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Years: ca. 2509 to 2521 IR

Vankkagomir intrigues to bring the Medibgoese under the power of the Kalikan. Vankkagomir has pre-eminence among the generals of the Kalikán, then becomes akin to the Shogun of Japan, ruling in behalf and in the name of the Kalikán King-Emperor.

Dominates Shadevan River and Osfandia, creating strong economic basis for empire.

Nymentho and Erechoreb, forcibly cut off from trade and treaty ties with Skymark. Not brought into Empire, but detached from Skymark to weaken them, and to stave off appearance of tyranny.

Skerrod and "outer" Midrardia made subject states, but not officially part of bureaucracy of empire. These countries are more accustomed to being subject to the Skymark. They enjoy their greater freedom from internal meddling and pay tribute to Vankkagomir.

Unable to conquer Gorcorumb -- Titancraft too powerful and Humans don't have enough of it to use against the giants. First Geddamin War -- Gorcorumbese dominion expands south into Danona. Gorcorumb begins to style itself as protector of civilization against the Jykki Hordes.

Republic of Johaulia retains independence from imperial bureaucracy, but pays tribute.

Zarajove, through diplomacy, plays Skymark and Kalikan off against each other, and retains its own full independence (no tribute).

Conquest of Eloaria is largely symbolic -- small tribute exacted.

Vankkagomir exiled, with help of Gorcorumbese Contingent, to the Western Hemisphere.

THIS MATERIAL IS REALLY MORE APPROPRIATE for use with Kalikan expansion pre-Middle Ages when the Yophenthean Successor states still had legitimacy.

Vankkagomirian Duchies

  • Aurice: Throvy
  • Orlangissa: Erserce
  • Bryndyd: Asbardy
  • Rhafyx: Erechóreb
  • Trevirs: High Pytharnia
  • Bhinsasas/Ambrulia
  • Telmuric
  • Rhafyx
  • Deliops
  • Elmundel
  • Shanjahar
  • Benjalay

Vankkagomir, a Kalikán noble unites several tribes, including the Solmagal, the Kalikán, some Parkyon tribes, and numerous lesser tribes into a multi-tribal alliance and, eventually, into a monarchy. They coordinate tribute from land nations and Vankkagomir establishes his floating capital in the jaibu of Dalamsk. His empire extends from Pytharnia to Ptohlia, from Skerrod to Amerzcelindo. However, once he dies, the alliance dissolves, his son is assassinated, and the coalition breaks up into warring factions. His empire is generally recognized as the height of post-Yophenthean Sky power. Vankkagomir was keen and charismatic leader who made use of family, religious, and political ties to obligate people to his service. He established himself as a leader of various organs of power and, unlike previous Kalikán warlords, exercised a shrewd understanding of Mipnoric politics which he manipulated and drew into his alliance. At the Battle of Gorlip, he crushed the allied post-Yophenthean Golden Sea-fleet of Pytharnia, Deliops, & Erechoreb, destroying any possibility of cooperation between these fragments of the once powerful Yophenthean Empire. Additionally, he exacted the onerous ‘skygild’ from the various Yophenthean successor states.

See Also