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The wandering people of the god Azeruke, the Azerukese are thought to be descended from a blend of Tuadbe and Moigthe ancestors. At least one historian believes they are remnants of the Malesggite civilization. History first makes mention of them around 380 AS appearing in Agogia as nomads holding the worship of their chaos god, Azeruke. They spread to Kasthavia, Warlock Hills, and eastern Pytharnia. The Moigthe tolerated them at times. The Azerukese kept to woodlands and coastal marshlands until the Yophenthean Empire when they were persecuted and fled to the Great Disdrire Forest.

Today, the Azerukese are mistrusted as chaos worshipers and are rarely found outside of the Disdrire. They claim a different religion from their ancestors, but many think this is merely a ruse. The greatest groups are thought to inhabit the lands of the Sylvan Tuadbe in northwest Pytharnia. The Azerukese are a minority even among the Tuadbe.

The Azerukese are somewhat shorter than other Pytharnian humans. They have dark to brown hair, with occasionally light-brown haired individuals. The eyes are brown, brownish green, deep green, or light brown. Their complexions range from somewhat pale to golden brown. Their men and women equally prefer long hair.

See Also