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The sunfather is the highest priest and officer of the Arathracian Church. Historians of the church acknowledge Galbry Alithárean as the first sunfather. The present-day sunfather of the Arathracian Church is Galbry Fólmagal III. The sunfather has historically reigned and presided over the church from his ecclesiastical throne in the See of Yophénthë. The office of sunfather was created shortly after the Fall of the Yophenthean Empire to govern the priests and dioceses of the church without invoking the ire of the Thracian tribes who had abolished the hereditary monarchy of Yophenthea and vowed to slay anyone who assumed the imperial throne. The office of sunfather has traditionally been non-hereditary to dispel claims of kingship. In practice, the sunfather assumes many royal roles formerly engaged by the ancient córondes of Yophenthea. The sunfather presides over the Arathracian College of Aigdemeans and he is the supreme earthly authority of the various archpatriarchs of the church. The office of the sunfather is nearly three millennia old, although it was vacant for the latter part of the Middle Ages of Chaos.

See Also