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Lexicon of the [[Khahonri Language]]
#REDIRECT [[Kahonri Language: Lexicon]]
;Special Sounds
;Khahonri to English
:'''ahmut''' nf mother
:'''az'ar''' nf earth
:'''ba''' nf hand
:'''bahd''' nm father
:'''beh''' nm seat, palace, resting place
:'''bel''' nf city, walled city
:'''beph''' nf house
:'''diy'm''' vb to see
:''' 'e+ [root] +íyr nm diminutive formation
:'''ebhrém'' vb from 'ebher' be in agreement
:'''Esul''', '''esel''', '''asul''': God
:'''ethreb''' nm tree
:'''gawlán''': forester, dweller of the forest
:'''harubiyl''' nm general commander (haruu+bil), sometimes written "Harubeel"; nf pl '''haribuwl'''
:'''-im''' nm masculine person ending, singular
:'''-ith''' nf feminine person ending, singular
:'''irhakhath''' nf giving birth, childbearing
:'''is'bajath''' nf psychic crusade, '''is'bajath''', pl '''is'bajutha'''
:'''izlakhath''' nf war
:'''jibh''' adj stout, strong
:'''kab''' nm son, pl '''kebhuw''', -'''kbhuw'''
:'''kal''' nf face
:'''kath''' nf daughter, pl '''kuwth'''
:'''khamsudhi''' n psychic warrior, such as many tisbajuma were
:'''kheym''' nm milk
;K' (also Q)
:'''k'am''' nm boulder, stone
:'''k'awsh''' nf crown
:'''mekhegh''' vb to eat
:'''nak'u''' nf vessel, pitcher
:'''obh''' nf sister
:'''obhíbh''' [<obh, final reduplicate form] nf older sister, oldest sister, plural obhibhútha
:'''pa'a''' nm star
:'''pepha''' nm mountain
:'''phuthi''' nf/nm witch, herbalist, medicine woman
:'''rehekheh''' vb to give birth to; (tirhakhiya)
:'''salukh''' nm king
:'''selekeh''' vb to rule
:'''sekhá''' nf bird
:'''s'ebejeh''' vb to concentrate in mind, to struggle in thought against, to fight purposefully against; to fight by means of one’s determination;  to be a psychic crusader (see isbajath, tis'baja)
:'''s'ibjá''' vb to be concentrated in mind (said of thoughts, intentions)
:'''shakhrilim''' (Shakhri, Shekher an ancient Shelekhumbian god of night time illuminations + lim occasion, time, festival) city in Shelekhumbia named after a festival for the god Shekher
:'''shath''' nf mound, high place, temple, temple-mount
:'''shaysh''' nm water
:'''shelesh''' nm sun
:'''shilshá''' vb to be the sun
:'''shilshím''' nm man of the sun
:'''shirshóm''' adj pleasing, suitable
:'''shiy''' nm oil
:'''shu'''+CCaC nm shu used to form nouns meaning the product or result of applicable verb
:'''shud'am''' nm vision, scene
:'''shumkhagh''' nm satiety
:'''shus'baj''' nm victory, victory in the isbajath, from shu + s'ebejeh
:'''tahar''' nm angel, radiant being from heaven
:'''tirhakhiya''' nf woman who gives birth
:'''tis'baja''' nm psychic crusader, pl '''tis'bajuma'''; nf '''tis'bajiya''', nf pl '''tis'bajiyúth'''
:'''tizlakha''' nm warrior, pl '''tizlakhuma''', nf '''tizlakhiya''', nf pl '''tizlakhiyúth'''
:'''t'a''' nf mouth
:'''t'e'''+ derived from, augmentative
:'''t'ebhibhyá''' nm geddamin (giant)
:'''t'ejibh''' nm giant, great hero
:'''t'eshilshá''' nm noon-day sun, 'great' sun
:'''themesh''' nm
:'''thirá''' nf perfume
:'''th'ughiya''' nf general commander, used as feminine counter part to harubiyl; pl '''th'ughiyúth'''
:'''wesher''' vb to rule with the scepter
:'''wushrá''' vb to be ruler with the scepter, to hold the scepter as ruler
:'''wushráim''' nm ruler, man who rules with the scepter
:'''wushráya''' nf ruler, woman who rules with the scepter
:'''Yal''' nm special name of God, God of Jerushabla; denied as a false god (archon) by the Incarnandists who only worship Esel
:'''ya-tía''' vb copulative verb, emphatic
:'''yubh''' vb come
:'''zelekh''' vb to make war
:'''zepher''' vb to liberate, to make free
:'''zilkhá''' vb to be a warrior
:'''zilkháim''' nm warrior, male warrior
:'''zilkháya''' nf warrior, female warrior
:'''ziphrá''' vb to be free, to be a free person, '''ziphráya''' free woman, '''ziphráim''' free man
:'''ziphráim''' nm free man, '''ziphrayúma''' nmpl free men
:'''ziphráya''' nf free woman, '''ziphrayúth''' nfpl free women
:'''z'aluman''' n one who concentrates the mind, an energist
:'''z'elem''' vb to concentrate the mind, use energist powers
:'''z'ulmá''' vb to be one who concentrates the mind, uses energist powers
:'''z'ulmáim''' nm man who practices energism, '''z'ulmayúma''' nmpl men who practice energism
:'''z'ulmáya''' nf woman who practices energism, '''z'ulmayúth''' nfpl women who practice energism
;English to Khahonri
*Incarnandina: "She who needs to bear God", "Mother of the mothers of God" [Esel  pa’a 
*Incarnandus: "God who needs to come into flesh"
*Incarnandiolus: "God's uncle"
=See Also=
*[[Khahonri Language]]
[[Category:Khahonri Language]]

Latest revision as of 22:10, 6 September 2022