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;Cwirombaisge [<cwir arch + ombaisge colossal] CY: Yophenthean Colossal Arch. Great round arches, enjoined buttresses, domes.
;Cwirombaisge [<cwir arch + ombaisge colossal] CY: Yophenthean Colossal Arch. Great round arches, enjoined buttresses, domes.
;Tassobaibos [<Tassan + baibos round] MID: Tassan Round Style. Similar to Romanesque, playful figurative elements.
;Tassobaibos [<Tassan + baibos round] MID: Tassan Round Style. Similar to Romanesque, playful figurative elements.
;Edrebelbos [<edre pointy + belbos < bwelbos or pwelpwos round, arch] MID: Vindalian Gothic. pointed arch, cf gothic.
;Edrebelbos [<edre pointy + belbos < bwelbos or pwelpwos round, arch] MID: Vindalian Gothic. pointed arch, cf gothic. (Corundy + Lucacia)
;Zuliagarth [< ] Vimalian cities of the Valley of Lord Vimal, distinctive domes and pointed arches
;Zuliagarth [< ] Vimalian cities of the Valley of Lord Vimal, distinctive domes and pointed arches

Latest revision as of 09:41, 2 July 2022

Various Styles of Arches of Asdar
Titanic Baroque (before 11,773 AS)

ark towers domes Decorative motifs are wiry, organic, asymmetrical or contrasting symmetrical, round and ovaloid windows Compare Medibgóëse

Late Kalaman (Jathya-Nebirite)
A Courtyard in the Vimalian Plateau
Ancient Ithatian

column and lintel, low-pitched rooftops, terracotta tiled rooftops, small, tiled domes, white-washed masonry houses, white-stucco.

Midretassene (200 AI)

High-Podium Temple Semi-Circle Arch

Neo-Yophenthean (after ~2450's)

Reaction to Chaotic Baroque

Aurician ( to 2,750 IR)

Pointed Arch, Ogival Arch

East Pytharnian

steeply pitched rooftops with dormer windows

Basakine Rooftops (2450 IR to 2550 IR)

West Pytharnian

byrnadine spires, byrnadine domes

Thracian, Kalikán (1 AI to 1,000 AI)

Thistralish, Thistralish Revival Alpine Hunting Lodge Rooftops, Dormer Windows, compare Gubernatorial Palace of Aurice (Formerly Ducal Palace of Aurice)

Imperial Yophénthean (500 AI to 1,000 AI)

Octagonal Dome Yophenthean Vase-Shaped Column


Elven tree houses of the Great Disdrire


Skydome An orthographic, lateral view of a Medibgoese Skydome, constructed from a metal hull with metallic and wooden reinforcement struts.

Mandala Window ~almond-shaped window with simple point or ogival point thrust upwards and bottom point directed downwards.


organic, scrolling, wiry, wax-weave

Neptultchi (up to 1,500 AS)

Chalitzil (black, obsidian-like stone) for great constructions, onkirgs,


Malesggite Temple: blue-stone, two great towers in the front, long Zoomorphic columns, anthropomorphi columns, colossal columns, alien, reptilian motif-ed columns, heavy stone work with rich relief.

Titancraft Styles: Compare Art Deco, Steampunk

Arch Styles
Cwirombaisge [<cwir arch + ombaisge colossal] CY
Yophenthean Colossal Arch. Great round arches, enjoined buttresses, domes.
Tassobaibos [<Tassan + baibos round] MID
Tassan Round Style. Similar to Romanesque, playful figurative elements.
Edrebelbos [<edre pointy + belbos < bwelbos or pwelpwos round, arch] MID
Vindalian Gothic. pointed arch, cf gothic. (Corundy + Lucacia)
Zuliagarth [< ] Vimalian cities of the Valley of Lord Vimal, distinctive domes and pointed arches


Arched gated portals of Trevirs as rebuilt during the Yophenthean Period

See Also