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The family of Yophenthean Languages includes all languages descended from [[Classical Yophenthean]] and thus can be dated to the period of time after the [[Fall of Yophénthë]] in the tenth century after [[Salmakhamer]].  Several of these languages are important regional tongues while others have gone extinct .  Classical Yophenthean remains the language of Arathracian liturgy, formal ecclesiastical discussions, formal documents of the [[Erechórebese Arathracian Church]], and a rich body of scholarly texts. 
#REDIRECT [[Yophenthean Language Family]]
=List of Yophenthean Languages=
*[[Ambrasian Language]]
*[[Ambrinquan Language]]
*[[Asbardian Language]]
*[[Corundian Language]]
*[[Erechórebese Language]]
*[[Glaikish Language]]
*(Language of New Erechóreb)
*[[Nymenthonese Language]]
*[[Tholnish Language]]
=See Also=
*[[Classical Yophenthean]]
[[Category:Languages of Asdar]]
[[Category:Gwenyan Languages]]
[[Category:Yophenthean Languages]]
[[Category:Donavish Languages]]

Latest revision as of 21:59, 4 April 2016