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*[[New Kalikán Empire]]

Revision as of 16:36, 18 October 2017

b 2543, d 2614, reigned 2573 to 2576. crowned 2573 Magdymoon Kalikán Crown of Thrace King Ondaz Ädazund (Son of King Ädaz Vädukund) [142 = Ä] of House Zalladan. Ruler of Thrace during Great Sky War. His actual first name, Ondaz, was not used during his reign as it was considered irreverent. The practice was to refer to him by his patronym. He was regarded as a lineal descendant of the god Thwar. He was dethroned with the abolition of the monarchy as part of the Treaty of Tauhad (2576). He and the royal family lived in exile in Dewyddair.

See Also