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Lexicon of the [[Khahonri Language]]
Lexicon of the [[Khahonri Language]]
*PDF version of Lexicon
[http://wiki.worldofasdar.com/PDFs/Texts/Kahonri%20Language_%20Kahonri%20to%20English%20LEXICON%20(1).pdf PDF Lexicon of Kahonri]
This lexicon is in fact superseded by my Google Doc Lexicon.
This lexicon is in fact superseded by my Google Doc Lexicon.

Revision as of 10:10, 22 April 2019

Lexicon of the Khahonri Language

  • PDF version of Lexicon

PDF Lexicon of Kahonri

This lexicon is in fact superseded by my Google Doc Lexicon.

Special Sounds

Ɂ j emphatic sʕ tʕ θʕ kʕ zʕ
g ʜ ʕ ɬʕ


Khahonri to English
ahmut nf mother
az'ar nf earth
ba nf hand
bahd nm father
beh nm seat, palace, resting place
bel nf city, walled city
beph nf house
diy'm vb to see
'e+ [root] +íyr nm diminutive formation
'ebhrém vb from 'ebher' be in agreement
'eshishíyr nm tower of water, cooling tower a stone tower with a high cistern filled with water for the purpose of cooling a building in the desert
Esul, esel, asul nm God
ethreb nm tree
gawlán: forester, dweller of the forest
harubiyl nm general commander (haruu+bil), sometimes written "Harubeel"; nf pl haribuwl
-im nm masculine person ending, singular
-ith nf feminine person ending, singular
irhakhath nf giving birth, childbearing
is'bajath nf psychic crusade, is'bajath, pl is'bajutha
izlakhath nf war
ji, je part negative particle of prohibition
jibh adj stout, strong
kab nm son, pl kebhuw, -kbhuw
kal nf face
kamsudhi n psychic warrior, such as many tisbajuma were
kath nf daughter, pl kuwth
khémesh m heart
kheym nm milk
K' (also Q)
k'am nm boulder, stone
k'awsh nf crown
me prefix 'with, together' used to form nouns from verbs
mekhegh vb to eat
nak'u nf vessel, pitcher
obh nf sister
obhíbh [<obh, final reduplicate form] nf older sister, oldest sister, plural obhibhútha
pa'a nm star
pepha nm mountain
phuthi nf/nm witch, herbalist, medicine woman
rehekheh vb to give birth to; (tirhakhiya)
salukh nm king
selekeh vb to rule
sekhá nf bird
s'ebejeh vb to concentrate in mind, to struggle in thought against, to fight purposefully against; to fight by means of one’s determination; to be a psychic crusader (see isbajath, tis'baja)
s'ibjá vb to be concentrated in mind (said of thoughts, intentions)
shakhrilim (Shakhri, Shekher an ancient Shelekhumbian god of night time illuminations + lim occasion, time, festival) city in Shelekhumbia named after a festival for the god Shekher
shath nf mound, high place, temple, temple-mount
shaysh nm water
shelesh nm sun
shilshá vb to be the sun
shilshím nm man of the sun
shirshóm adj pleasing, suitable
shiy nm oil
shu+CCaC nm shu used to form nouns meaning the product or result of applicable verb
shud'am nm vision, scene
shumkhagh nm satiety
shus'baj nm victory, victory in the isbajath, from shu + s'ebejeh
tahar nm angel, radiant being from heaven
tirhakhiya nf woman who gives birth
tis'baja nm psychic crusader, pl tis'bajuma; nf tis'bajiya, nf pl tis'bajiyúth
tizlakha nm warrior, pl tizlakhuma, nf tizlakhiya, nf pl tizlakhiyúth
t'a nf mouth
t'e+ derived from, augmentative
t'ebhibhyá nm geddamin (giant)
t'ejibh nm giant, great hero
t'eshilshá nm noon-day sun, 'great' sun
themesh nm
thirá nf perfume
th'ughiya nf general commander, used as feminine counter part to harubiyl; pl th'ughiyúth
wesher vb to rule with the scepter
wushrá vb to be ruler with the scepter, to hold the scepter as ruler
wushráim nm ruler, man who rules with the scepter
wushráya nf ruler, woman who rules with the scepter
Yal nm special name of God, God of Jerushabla; denied as a false god (archon) by the Incarnandists who only worship Esel
ya-tía vb copulative verb, emphatic
yubh vb come
zelekh vb to make war
zepher vb to liberate, to make free
zilkhá vb to be a warrior
zilkháim nm warrior, male warrior
zilkháya nf warrior, female warrior
ziphrá vb to be free, to be a free person, ziphráya free woman, ziphráim free man
ziphráim nm free man, ziphrayúma nmpl free men
ziphráya nf free woman, ziphrayúth nfpl free women
z'aluman n one who concentrates the mind, an energist
z'elem vb to concentrate the mind, use energist powers
z'ulmá vb to be one who concentrates the mind, uses energist powers
z'ulmáim nm man who practices energism, z'ulmayúma nmpl men who practice energism
z'ulmáya nf woman who practices energism, z'ulmayúth nfpl women who practice energism

English to Khahonri
  • Incarnandina: "She who needs to bear God", "Mother of the mothers of God" [Esel pa’a
  • Incarnandus: "God who needs to come into flesh"
  • Incarnandiolus: "God's uncle"

See Also