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*EARLY BRONZE: 3900 AS to 2900 AS
*EARLY BRONZE: 3900 AS to 2900 AS
*MIDDLE BRONZE: 2900 AS to 2350 AS
*MIDDLE BRONZE: 2900 AS to 2350 AS
*LATE BRONZE: 2350 to 1900 AS
*LATE BRONZE: 2350 to 2050 AS
*IRON AGE: 1900 AS to 700 AS
*IRON AGE: 2050 AS to 700 AS
=Stages of the Omrekheen Bronze Age=
=Stages of the Omrekheen Bronze Age=

Latest revision as of 19:36, 1 September 2024

The advent of bronze enabled humanlike crafters to bring their people into a new stage of technology. The earliest use of bronze among humans in the West was in Kalama, Shelekhumbia, Thyria, and Omre. The dwarves claim to have preserved the alloying of bronze since the time of the titans.

Stages of the Pytharnian Bronze Age

Bronze Technology in very ancient southern Pytharnia

These periods reflect mainly human metallurgy. Among the ruling class of the Neptultchi, iron working was understood and used, but not shared outside their class. Its use is not reflected in these periods. The Dwarves are thought to have had the knowledge of iron metallurgy since deep antiquity and that is also not reflected in these periods.

  • CHALCOLITHIC (Copper Age): 5000 AS to 4200 AS
  • EARLY BRONZE: 4200 AS to 3500 AS
  • MIDDLE BRONZE: 3500 AS to 2100 AS
  • LATE BRONZE: 2100 to 1900 AS
  • IRON AGE: 1900 AS to 200 AS

Stages of the Pallathantic Bronze Age

Bronze Technology in very ancient Ithatian Islands, Erechóreb, and Nymentho

  • CHALCOLITHIC (Copper Age): 3900 AS to 3500 AS
  • EARLY BRONZE: 3500 AS to 2800 AS
  • MIDDLE BRONZE: 2800 AS to 2200 AS
  • LATE BRONZE: 2200 to 1900 AS
  • IRON AGE: 1900 AS to 700 AS

Stages of the Kalaman Bronze Age

Bronze Technology in very ancient Kalama and Vindalia

  • CHALCOLITHIC (Copper Age): 5100 AS to 4200 AS
  • EARLY BRONZE: 4200 AS to 3000 AS
  • MIDDLE BRONZE: 3000 AS to 2450 AS
  • LATE BRONZE: 2450 to 2100 AS
  • IRON AGE: 2100 AS to 900 AS

Stages of the West Asdaurian Bronze Age

Bronze Technology in very ancient West Asdauria including Erserce

  • CHALCOLITHIC (Copper Age): 5100 AS to 4200 AS
  • EARLY BRONZE: 3900 AS to 2800 AS
  • MIDDLE BRONZE: 2800 AS to 2250 AS
  • LATE BRONZE: 2250 to 1900 AS
  • IRON AGE: 1900 AS to 800 AS
Arisparikohos, 2600 AS to 2000 AS

Stages of the Shelekhumbian Bronze Age

  • EARLY BRONZE: 3900 AS to 2900 AS
  • MIDDLE BRONZE: 2900 AS to 2350 AS
  • LATE BRONZE: 2350 to 2050 AS
  • IRON AGE: 2050 AS to 700 AS

Stages of the Omrekheen Bronze Age

  • EARLY BRONZE: 3700 AS to 2800 AS
  • MIDDLE BRONZE: 2800 AS to 2200 AS
  • LATE BRONZE: 2200 to 1850 AS
  • IRON AGE: 1850 AS to 200 AS

Technological Periods

This table and the above divisions need to be harmonized.

Technology Periods of Asdar ca ~10,000 AS to ca 2750 AI
Technology Level Asdaran Time Period Pytharnian Time Period Types of Technology
Old to Middle Stone Age ? to up to ca 8000 AS Pytharnia hunter-gatherer, no permanent settlements; folk magic used to contact spirit world and to deal with magical entities.
Neolithic Age ca 8000 AS to ca 4000 AS Pytharnia early agriculture and domestication of many animals; development of folk magic continues—used to tame and control certain animals.
Chalcolithic "Copper Age"
Early to Middle Bronze Age ca 4000 AS to ca 2300 AS Pytharnia Early bronze (arsenical bronze) and tin bronze; priestly (hieratic) magic flourishes.
Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age Bronze Age ends at roughly 2000 AS Pytharnia Bronze weapons in primitive areas, iron weapons in most advanced cultural areas, such as Kalama. Brass and orichalcum in some areas. Academic magic develops, especially in Kalama and Sungo.
Middle Iron Age ca 2000 AS to 500 AS Pytharnia iron weapons widespread, steel weapons in most advanced cultural areas by 800 AI. Primitive dwarvenfire siege weapons among the dwarves in first millennium AI.
Late Iron Age ca 500 AS to 1000 AS Pytharnia Steel in many areas, high quality steel in some areas
Early Dwarvenfire ca 2000 AI to 2500 AI Pytharnia Steel weapons common most everywhere, iron only used in outlying areas. Dwarves have advanced dwarvenfire siege weapons and primitive personal dwarvenfire weapons.
Common Dwarvenfire (Gunpowder) ca 2500 AI to 2590 AI Pytharnia Traditional and Dwarvenfire weapons; Dwarvenfire spread among humans. Beginnings of Symphlogistic technology. Gorcorumbese and a few dwarves have early Titancraft.
“Titanpunk” Fantasy Industrial / Steampunk or Neotitanic ca 2590 AI to 2750 AI Pytharnia Titancraft widely used among the elite among Gorcorumbese, dwarven, and human civilizations. Dwarvenfire widely used in militaries, for hunting, and for personal defense.

See Also