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[[Category:Lists of Rulers]]
[[Category:Lists of Rulers]]

Revision as of 21:59, 16 December 2018

List of the Rulers of Amyrn

Kemerite Giant Period
Neptultchi Rule, ca 4300 AS to 1900 or 1600 AS
Post-Neptultchi God-Empire Collapse—Kemerite Giants—Tuadbe, ca 1600 to ?
Moigthe Period—Goldenlings
Yophenthean Empire—Diocesan Lord of Pytharnia
Golden Empire of Pytharnia—Arathracian Archpatriarch of Amyrn
Deavingeal Dynasty—Arathracian Archpatriarch of Amyrn
Ambrasian Archpatriarchy of Amyrn

First Ambrasian Archpatriarch of Amyrn Taoilanth dhailg Leiochio, lived 1096 to 1158, High Priest of Amyrn, reigned as first Ambrasian Archpatriarch of Amyrn, 1137 to 1158

Middle Ages of Chaos

2207, Great Earthquake of Amyrn Tiullolla the Lizardslayer (regnavit 2218 to 2255). Reign of Llamgathsukba of the Beasts, reigned 2257 to 2398 Archpatriarchs live in exile

Restored Archpatriarchy of Amyrn, 2398 to present

See Also