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Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes to light brown eyes, brown to olive complexion, angular features  
Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes to light brown eyes, brown to olive complexion, angular features  
(cf. east central Asian)
(cf. east central Asian)

Revision as of 21:24, 24 September 2023

Map of ethnic homelands in the northern hemisphere of the old world with major human groups indicated by orange circles

Humanlike philosophers believe that Titans, Elves, Dwarves, and Humans originated from specific homelands existing before the Great Flood. There is wide consensus for this reconstruction in the West, but not complete. They are generally accepted even though the ultimate origin of the races is not universally accepted.


Titans along with gods are the key characters of the very oldest oral legends. Modern titanologers hold that titans were actual humanlikes who ruled the world over 15,000 years ago before the Flood of Aturyanda. The titanist school maintains that titans were the guardians of ancient technology of which modern titancraft is a rebirth on a minor scale.


(cf. Mediterranean) Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes to light brown eyes, brown to olive complexion, angular features


(cf. east central Asian)




The Geddamin are also known as 'common giants'. There are several races and Geddamin men are about 3m in height. The Kemerites and the Gorcorumbese are well-known giant races.



ancestors of Pytharnian, Erechorebese, Nymenthonese, Ancient Kalaman



Dwarves are a hardy race that prefer mountain fastnesses and are fond of drink.

Old Hearth

  • Emegul-Thaudh

Midrardian Dwarven Homeland

spawned Midrardian and Ithradic


  • Bukalaan
  • Ruby Gates

Qaish'aa Dwarves

  • Ancient North Jaggudornish
  • Ithradic (Ithradic/Ithradite, Dagdorian, Sardichite, Gdelisican, Themetese)


The Hurgva are thought to be the predecessors of the Amandal Dwarves. They are sometimes called Hurgvaic.

  • Amandal Dwarves

Shihethwö Dwarves

  • Sungo (High Mountain Valleys)

Tuhumpawa Dwarves

  • Kattu-Kattu

Entele Dwarves

  • Zephasia





(cf. Basque, Atlantic)

Brown to dark brown hair, brown or green eyes, light to olive complexion; angular features


(cf. Mediterranean, perhaps Pelasgian)

  • Dramegginite, Kalaman, Tassan
  • Malesggite

Brown Hair, Grey Eyes, light to olive complexion; angular features


(cf. European: Northern, Atlantic, Southern) Light Brown to Blond Hair, blue eyes, light green eyes, light hazel eyes, very light brown eyes, pale skin, light skin; angular features


  • Moigthe
  • Pallathantic, Ithatian, Ebinóëse
  • Ersercean (Jaspern)


  • Jaggudornish (Kalikan, Thworganian, Carsaridese, Solmagali,
  • Colnorian (Kiall/Parkyon, Tyskvál, Medibgóëse)
  • Osfandian

Thybdite Gwenyan

  • Medregan, Midretassene, Tassan, Rhovorian, Lucacian

Osfandian Gwenyan

  • Osfandi


(cf. Uralic, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian) Light Brown to Blond Hair, blue eyes, light green eyes, light hazel eyes, very light brown eyes, pale skin, light skin; angular features


  • Hmoessite, Hoernectian (Austronesian ?)


(cf. Sumerian, Dravidian)

  • Hassir-Thardian, Chalydian
  • Zephasian (Harraudhi, etc.)
  • Zaphurite, from Zephirian Desert
  • Very ancient Shelekhumbian

Dark Brown Hair, dark brown eyes or dark grey eyes, brown skin


(cf. Semite)

  • Dagaithi, Shagrela'alite (Q'seel, Baksumaan, Sayadrim, Shukhaa, etc.)
  • Shelekhumbian, Elantuventhese,
  • Kahonri & Jerushablans, (Shenimites, Widdoshi, etc.)
  • Cospian, Kheshephites
  • Narshadites, Narsadese
  • Kish G'seer (Weshif)
  • Asraelunites (Weshif)

Dark Brown Hair, Brown Hair; Dark Brown Eyes, Brown Eyes, Dark Green Eyes, Dark Violet Eyes; Dark Grey Eyes, brown skin, light skin, olive skin, Near Eastern features


(cf. Altaic, Turkish, Mongolian, Japanese, Korean)

  • Zarajoveni Tribes
  • Achederians
  • Rhovundians, Rhovanians
  • Tonan-Daruhi
  • Saikusahi

Dark Brown to Black Hair; Dark Brown eyes to Brown eyes; slightly almond eyes to fully almond eyes


(cf. Han Chinese)

  • Tangshanian
  • Ashguathan
  • [Southern Sungo)

near Sungo Black Hair; Dark Brown eyes; light brown, yellow skin; almond eyes


(cf. Pacific Islander)

  • Opazite

Black Hair, Dark Brown eyes, brown skin;


Unknown origin, thought to be from the ancient west by legend Dark hair, light brown to pale sallow coloring, broad noses, fine, almost almond eyes, brown eyes, deep slate blue eyes, deep violet eyes

  • Ancient Neptultchi
  • Tuadbe, Azerukese
  • Xsyte
Map of ethnic homelands in the southern hemisphere of the old world with major human groups indicated by orange circles
Two Bahunas


Za-Bahunan (compare Bantu)


(cf. Ethiopian) Black hair, Dark brown eyes, dark brown skin, curly hair, Ethiopian features


(cf. Central African)


(cf. West African) Black hair, Dark brown eyes, dark brown skin; curly hair; West African features

Other Humanlikes of Interest

  • Halflings
  • Uryala (Gnomes)
  • Merfolk
  • Gishak
  • Ithrabbi
  • Orcs [Jykki Orcs, Half-Jykks, Jaggudornish Orcs, Skaligdæse Orcs, New World Orcs]
  • Gakhyami (Umyami, Uglyami, Dagunyami)

See Also