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|[[Rhäfiach II]]||align="center"|881||align="center"|925 to 944||align="center"|~63||align="center"|944||son of Madrewcha; 932, [[Second Sack of Yophénthë]]
|[[Rhäfiach II]]||align="center"|881||align="center"|925 to 944||align="center"|~63||align="center"|944||son of Madrewcha; 932, [[Second Sack of Yophénthë]]
|[[Rhäfiach III]]||align="center"|x||align="center"|944 to x||align="center"|~63||align="center"|944||son of Madrewcha
|[[Rhäfiach III]]||align="center"|902||align="center"|944 to 963||align="center"|~19||align="center"|963||son of Rhäfiach II
|[[Eriwerg]], Regent||align="center"|902||align="center"|963 to 963||align="center"|~19||align="center"|963||wife of [[Rhäfiach of Medibgö]], father of Rhäfiach IV, served as regent
|[[Rhäfiach IV]]||align="center"|x||align="center"|x to x||align="center"|~x||align="center"|x||grandson of Rhäfiach III

Revision as of 15:24, 15 October 2014

Medibgö was thought unamenable to unification by the ancient Ithatians who saw its many skynesses as too reclusive to acknowledge a central authority. The fifth and sixth centuries however saw the general amalgamation of power throughout the Pallathantic Region and Medibgösk skynesses with their orderly and predictable orbits eventually fell under the spell of a series of powerful sorcerer lords who sought to concentrate all power in their own person. Threwggercha 'mba Kemiag also known as Threwggercha I through battle, diplomacy, and even personal combat brought the lords of the great skynesses to acknowledge him as suzerain, the first Sorcerer-King of Medibgö.

First Sorcerer-Kings of Medibgö: Llaltha Dynasty 523 to 739 (~216 years)
Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
Threwggercha 'mba Kemiag 487 523 to 568 ~45 568 First Sorcerer-King of Medibgö
Dawfa Llosfadda 542 568 to 573 ~5 573 son of Threwggercha by royal wife
Arfullag 508 573 to 598 ~25 598 son of Threwggercha by earlier wife; 599, Yophenthea requires his sons and all subsequence heirs to dwell in Erechóreb
Meibdercha 551 598 to 616 ~18 616 grandson of Arfullag
Amercha 577 616 to 621 ~5 621 son of Meibdercha
Threwggercha Llosfadda 603 621 to 667 ~46 667 son of Amercha
Amsiáddawr 632 667 to 690 ~23 690 second son of Threwggercha Llosfadda
Threwggercha II 658 690 to 722 ~32 722 son of Amsiáddawr, died without issue
Dawfa Threwggercha 663 722 to 739 ~17 739 younger son of Amsiáddawr, slain in civil war
List of Rulers of Medibgö: Llaltha-Kämbar Dynasty 741 to 879 (~138 years)
Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
Erska Brawfidd 703 741 to 760 ~19 760 Llaltha cousin, surnamed Kämbar, defeated Amsiáddawr, married aunt of Threwggercha II, slain by another cousin
Smaiguth 729 760 to 778 ~18 778 second son of Erska Brawfidd
Hewfa 753 778 to 810 ~32 810 son of Smaiguth
Gnächew 784 810 to 856 ~46 856 grandson of Hewfa's second son
Llambewr Drosva 822 822 to 879 ~23 891 grandson of Gnächew; he and family sent into exile by his lords for malfeasance; 840, First Sack of Yophénthë
List of Rulers of Medibgö: Dvasfaga Dynasty 883 to 1066 (~183 years)
Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
Rhäfiach I 836 883 to 922 ~39 922 machiavellian ruler
Madrewcha 858 922 to 925 ~3 925 son of Rhäfiach
Rhäfiach II 881 925 to 944 ~63 944 son of Madrewcha; 932, Second Sack of Yophénthë
Rhäfiach III 902 944 to 963 ~19 963 son of Rhäfiach II
Eriwerg, Regent 902 963 to 963 ~19 963 wife of Rhäfiach of Medibgö, father of Rhäfiach IV, served as regent
Rhäfiach IV x x to x ~x x grandson of Rhäfiach III
List of Rulers of Medibgö: Kwäsgö Dynasty 1066 to 1276 (~210 years)
Dynasty Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
[[ ]] [[ ]] x x to x ~x x
List of Rulers of Medibgö: Gnas Dynasty 1278 to 1563 (~285 years)
Dynasty Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
[[ ]] [[ ]] x x to x ~x x
List of Rulers of Medibgö: Üskiba Dynasty 1575 to 1714 (~139 years)
Dynasty Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
[[ ]] [[ ]] x x to x ~x x
List of Rulers of Medibgö: Acholfi Dynasty 1714 to 1789 (~75 years)
Dynasty Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
[[ ]] [[ ]] x x to x ~x x
List of Rulers of Medibgö: Theba Dynasty 1792 to 1811 (~19 years)
Dynasty Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
[[ ]] [[ ]] x x to x ~x x
First Imperial Family of Medibgö: Smalffalgö Dynasty 1817 to 2083 (~266 years)
Dynasty Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
[[ ]] [[ ]] x x to x ~x x
Rulers of Medibgö: Inter-Imperial Period 2083 to 2443 (~360 years)
House Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
[[ ]] [[ ]] x x to x ~x x
[[ ]] Ddägduch Lord of the Flying Earth 2162 2209 to 2391 ~182 2391
List of Rulers of Medibgö: Asgabin Tutha Dynasty 2443 to present (~308 years)
Dynasty Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
[[ ]] [[ ]] x x to x ~x x
Asgabin Tutha Talban VII 2696 2738 to present -

|[[ ]]||[[ ]]||align="center"|x||align="center"|x to x||align="center"|~x||align="center"|x|| |- Llaltha, 523 to 739 523, Threwggercha 'mba Kemiag of House Llaltha, First Sorcerer-King of Medibgö, originally ruler of Masmowch, acknowledged suzerain of all Medibgö

599, sons of Sorcerer-King required to live in Erechóreb as hostages.

Llaltha-Kämbar, 741 to 879

Interregnum, 879 to 883

Dvasfaga, 883 to 1066

Eriwerg, queen regent Sirrhafa, queen who divorces the king, marries a competitor who becomes king, and reigns jointly, becoming lord of Mihíüir. Family and allies of of Sirrhafa drive the king from Medibgö into exile. Sirrhafa had no son by her first husband, but did have a daughter. She has her daughter placed as ruler of Mihíüir. This is the end of the Dvasfaga dynasty and the beginning of the Kwäsgö dynasty.

Kwäsgö, 1066 to 1276

Interregnum, 1276 to 1278

Gnas, 1278 to 1563

Civil War, 1563 to 1575

Üskiba, 1575 to 1714

Acholfi, 1714 to 1789

Theba, 1792 to 1811

Civil War, 1810 to 1823

Smalffalgö, 1817 to 2083

Smalffalgö 1819, Ffaddgiól I Smalffalgö crowned first emperor of Medibgö

1823, last of opposition crushed

2083 overthrow of Smalffalgö dynasty, break-up of Medibgö into independent

2443 to present, Asgabin Tutha re-establishment of emperor

Royal First Names

  • Amercha
  • Banskö
  • Brewdda
  • Derrigiól
  • Ddwm
  • Ffaddgiól
  • Ffallma
  • Ffeffarigö
  • Ganffercha
  • Gisdanal
  • Göswrb
  • Hadmurn
  • Halp
  • Hawbercha
  • Igmurn
  • Isladb
  • Kemiag
  • Masffäla
  • Meidbercha
  • Meidbewddorn
  • Rhewllagörcha
  • Rhewllercha
  • Talban
  • Thawchbörin
  • Threwggercha

women's names

  • Eriwerg

-ercha suffix servant of -erg suffix servant of (feminine) görcha, servant of the assemblage, from gö + ercha

Royal Dynasties

Smalffalgö Llaltha Asgabin Tethul Dvasfaga Gnas

Reference Chronology

  • 198 AS, birth of Meidb, mythical founder of the Medibgösk people
  • ca 520 AI, Sorcerer-Kings of Medibgö
  • 986, Medibgö declares independence from the Empire
  • 1280, Medibgösk settlement of Gonfaloy
  • 1819 Ffaddgiól I Smalffalgö, establishment of the Ffarfaddagh Throne.
  • 2443, Ascent of to restored throne of Medibgo
  • 2445 AI to 2490 AI: Medibgóëse Protectorates (45 yrs)

See Also