List of Asbardian Personal Names
Personal Names of Southwestern Pytharnia, particularly Bryndyd.
Second form shown is genitive (dhal = son)
Given Names
(Second form is genitive for patronyms)
- A
- Achansmadh, Achansmaidh
- Agairth, Agairtha
- Aiachourn, Aiachourn
- Airvain, Airvain
- Amalthor, Amalthoir
- Ariglas, Ariglais
- Arriudh, Arriuidh
- B
- Barois, Baroise
- Beglorn, Begloirn
- Betheg, Bethig
- Bragand, Bragaind
- Brasc, Braisc
- C
- Caspain, Caspaina
- Cathag, Cethaig
- Cavadhen, Cavadhin
- Ceredh
- Cumedh, Cumdha
- Cumidhvain
- D
- Daghodh, Daghoidhe
- Dagurglame (from Medibgóëse)
- Dwal, Dwail
- E
- Echeadh, Echeaidh
- Ehansia, Ehansiaidh
- Esberth, Esbeirth/Esbirth
- F
- Fascagher, Fascaghire
- Fiath, Fiaitha
- Folmag (cf Fólmach, Erechórebese)
- G
- Gelvo
- Gnamudh, Gnamauidh
- Guspean, Guspeain
- H
- Honcha, Hoinche
- I
- Iblaigaith
- Ithrag, Ithraig
- Iustragvain
- J
- Jafthor
- Japphew
- L
- Leigourth (Gonfalese)
- M
- Maistragarth
- Midrevain
- Midrid
- Miorvic
- N
- Norgu
- R
- Rhiggoncha, Rhiggoinech
- Rhionfate (Arch Ducal Name)
- Rualfin
- S
- Straudh, Strauidh
- T
- Taslain, Taslaina
- Tucha, Tuicha
- Thairwain
- Thairwydd
- Thorjik
- Thraive
- Thraspevain, Thraspevaina
- Thrionder, Thriondir
- U
- Ullard [Ullareadh, from Thracian Ullarod]]
- Y
- Yahune, Yahuine (Prince's name)
- A
- Aosba
- Ascula
- B
- C
- Carrasiave
- Cathra, Cathran
- D
- Daunableha "Partisan of Dáunau"
- E
- Eherraiva
- Esberdna
- Esbertha
- F
- Fairtha
- G
- H
- I
- Incuse
- Indolise
- Ithiria
- J
- L
- Lach
- Lauleth
- M
- Midridina
- N
- Nostrina
- O
- Omirrha
- P
Only in Foreign Words
- R
- Rhidna
- Rhiona
- Rhiona-Lauleth
- Rhoiga (Saint Rhoiga)
- S
- Sergabë
- T
- Teioisielin
- Thraspevainia
- U
- Udith
- Ullardina
- V
- Y
- Yogwena
Family Names
- {name} dhal {father's name + Gen/Abl}
- Bragand dhal Fiatha
- {name} dhailge {mother's name + Gen/Abl}
House Names
- A
- Aigonsia
- B
- Bismeargha
- Bruave
- C
- Caflaga
- D
- Dabhlis
- Damfanirin (name of Dragonrail Bridge over the Rhaunve River)
- F
- Fidhrin
- G
- Galtaha
- Grascurg
- M
- Miedhurga
- Mighir
- N
- Niaoibha
- O
- Obhinn
- R
- Riamoma
- S
- Scobha
- Sichogha
- Siarbha
- Smiailgesinneadha
- T
- Taha
- Thiga
- Thiga dhaila Ithraig
- Tingolachth
- Y
- Yeabhola
House Branch
- To indicate a different branch of a large house, use House Name + dhaila (Dat) + Gen/Abl of patriarch. This means literally "to the son of" or "with regard to the son of."
- eg:
- Thiga dhaila Ithraig
The oldest patrilineal branch by custom does not indicate by means of "dhaila" unless it is unclear. This can be confusing as often persons of the younger branches will also not indicate the "dhaila."
See Also
This article is a stub. It requires further development by the creator. |