Yophenthean Expansion of the Fourth through Sixth Centuries

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The Yophenthean Empire expanded mightily during the centuries of 300 to 600 AI. This article lists and outlines the causes of the expansion.


  • 492 AI to 513 AI Zelukian War Yophenthea wars against Midretasso and her allies; Dagdos Gargastin supreme military commander and admiral of Midretasso, campaigns to defeat Erechóreb
  • 513 AI Battle of Siul concluds the Zelukian War

Sources of Yophenthean Cultural and Military Domination

  • superior organizational practices
  • highly centralized government based on cult of the sun emperor.
  • Use of allies and client states to defray cost of conquest and government
  • Religious inculcation of regional aristocracy into the sun cult.
  • speedy communications
  • Superior military intelligence due to sun priest seership
  • use of provincial levies to amplify legions (giants, centaurs, Moigthe soldiers, dwarven mercenaries, merfolk naval forces, Ithatian navy)
  • use of demi-mortal powers: sunburst, negation of magical powers of enemy wizards and sorcerers, detection of lies, charismatic presence,
  • benefits to subjects include: elimination pirates and brigands, uniform law code, advanced agricultural techniques reduce or eliminate famine,

See Also