List of Tassan Personal Names
These names are popular in present times in the Tassan Highlands. Many are inherited from ancient times.
Given Name
(P) indicates names popular among Paimbalans, whether in the Tassan Highlands or in Pytharnia. They may also be popular among other Tassans as well.
Notes: P = Paimbalan
- A
- Auranksh (P)
- Ibrikya
- Kurutthesh (P)
- Laugyathund (P)
- Ligmathya
- M
- Madiros
- Perevath
- Rhaalmathya
- Rhaaltheptis
- Saddhya
- Shapphu
- Zhakli
- Absena
- Absira
- Dhalufri
- Lamyafri
- Midretta
- Rhaalmathyali
Family Name
- Bhaswiki
- Chandomiddo
- Dalthi
- Ghuna
- Iktogo
- Lashkafya
- This must be changed. Tassan is not Jathya-Dhumi, Jhazya is Jathya-Dhumi and Tassan is Gwenyan.
- {person} + {father's name}jhazya
example: Ligmathya Shapphujhazya or
- shamel, shaml' + father's name
See Also
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