
The term Tuadbe [anglicized pronunciation: /ˈtwɑːðvIː/] principally means remnant tribes of the ancient Neptultchi living in the northwestern woodlands of northern Pytharnia and elsewhere in Pytharnia. The name 'Tuadbe' was given by the early Moigthe emigrants into Pytharnia. According to their legends, they emigrated to the north after the collapse of Neptultchi civilization in the seventeenth century before Salmakhamer. The Tuadbe speak a language that is related to ancient Neptultchi and to Xsyte. They subsist off of hunting, gathering, and small farms in the coastal forests. They are variously at war and at peace with the beastfolk and the Kemerite Giants who also live in the forests. Tuadbe are cunning hunters.
Tuadbe also refers to humans descended from the ancient Neptultchi regardless of where they live. The Dragonfolk are largely descended from the Neptultchi and considered to be Tuadbe. The Xsytes are also considered of Tuadbe heritage.
See Also
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