Medibgösk Gods and Religion

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List of Major Medibgösk Divinities

  • Am (Amrulon): Sun God, Kingship, condsidered most holy and supreme of national gods
  • Eriwe (Eriu): Sun Goddess, Summer, general Weal
  • Ffarga (Parkia): Birds, Flight, Married Women
  • Biódda Magg (Feath Magdaia): Earth-Sea Goddess
  • Gnwchma (Knohm): Earth God, God of the depths
  • Ürch (Orclanx): Death, the Dead, the Underworld
  • Harthrawg (Arathrax): Firstborn of the sun, Solar Divinity, drives chariot of the sun
  • Twrg (Thwar): Victory in War, War Leaders
  • Sínna (Zando): Huntress, Sunmoon
  • Ffwrg (Parkulliam): Light, Judgment, (compare Shiva)
  • Threwgga (Threy): Cunning in War, geethe-rustling, Opener of Ways
  • Rhewlla (Rhio): Wine, Festivity, Drunkenness, Persuader of hearts; Seen as a national god due to his parentage of the goddess, Meidb.
  • Meidb: Ancestral Goddess, matron goddess of Medibgö
  • Höb (Sky goddess of Cattle): Goddess of Gontha (Sky cattle), abundance, wealth, prosperity
  • Ffeffari (Envys): God of fertility, youthful strength, blessed happiness, beauty, abundance
  • Llŵm: God of Chaos Magic, powerful sorcerer-mage, descended from Rhewlla or Meidb

List of Minor Medibgösk Gods

Brinter Brölu: god that watches over the ancestral hearths of non-aristocrats
Chasbroich: lesser god of ascents
Fasnaghda: god of nighttime lightning
Fwrgas: a minor divinity of dragonriders
Galdda: lesser goddess of stewards and stewardesses
Hearty Gosuke: Arathracian Saint of the chronically ill
Hewve: god of the airborne hunt
Ildrädda: goddess of measured time
Laglawth: god of the high rains that fall on the skynesses
Lludrú: god of updrafts, especially on mountains
Oidan: household god of supplies
Rhänbirra: goddess of gardens and decorative pools
Samsa: goddess of thieves and spies
Nemsel: goddess of ?
Skragimbö: god of ball lightning
Stwrch: godling of ill-timed winds
Syrcha: minor god of shifting wind, there were thought to be many syrcha
Talnabion: lesser god who laughs at night and afflicts laughter on others at night
Tihurddan: goddess of magical auras
Wb: goddess of the humming drone within the skyness
Wewbroig: lesser goddess of perilous descents
Medibgóëse Compass Winds
Oberg: god of the north wind
Llum: god of the south wind
Iriab: god of the east wind
Ddwb: god of the west wind
Giriagchob: god of the southwest wind
Imffrigir: god of the northeast wind
Snachta: god of the northwest wind
Isbabel: god of the southeast wind

See Also