Sky Tribes
Sky Tribes are ancient peoples who used Skycraft technology for their livelihood, warfare, and were often nomadic or semi-nomadic. Sky Tribes first emerged in the High Shadevan Valley in the sixth century (ca 600 to 501 AS) with the Invention of Skycraft. The herding of gontha was an important part of the livelihood of the sky tribes and continues to be an important source of food and income in the High Shadevan Valley and in southern Barathorn. In addition to the Thwarrish Gwenyans, other peoples including the Zarajoveni and the Saikusahi Tribes adopted skycraft. The Sky Tribes persisted through the Middle Ages of Chaos. They are no longer considered as existing due to the advent and widespread use of Titancraft in modern times and their general settlement by the Middle Ages.

See Also
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