Castes of Pytharnia

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The Castes of Pytharnia are a system of social classes that have been transmitted culturally to the present day since at least the second millennium before Salmakhamer. They are observed principally in the Empire of Magdala as well as in other states of southern Pytharnia. They are the basis of law codes determining punishments, inheritance, and favor before the ruling monarch. There is a difference between members by association with the parent (typically father) or the organization and the one holding the office is his or her right. For example, a full dragonrider is a fully franchised member of the Dragon Folk Caste, but a dragon stable boy is a dependent member. The Magdalan system is often held up to be the best system and has nine castes with an ancient order of precedence.

In modern times, the caste system has been strained by social changes, including the expansion of the Freeborn Commoner Caste who are represented by the independent imperial cities, and the added power of the dwarven members of the Sovereign Archguild of Master Titancrafters of Pytharnia who are sometimes deemed part of the foreign worker caste or as foreign diplomats in imperial law.

Some scholars speak of a magico-noble caste, especially in the context of Medibgösk involvement with Pytharnia. The aristocratic houses would raise wizards to help empower their family and powerful wizards would aspire to and often attain noble titles. Thus, the aristocracy and the wizard caste have numerous ties and are sometimes indistinguishable from one another.

List of Castes as Practiced in Magdala in order of precedence

  1. Imperial Caste: the emperor, spouse, and immediate children, and also includes the priestly caste of Magdala (House Llyffclaw)
  2. Hieratic Caste: high priests and priestesses of recognized temple cults. This includes the Arathracian priesthood. It does not include the Magdalane Priestesses who are part of the imperial caste.
  3. Old Aristocratic Caste: old, high-ranking military nobles
  4. Wizard Caste: recognized, licensed wizards considered to have mastered wizardry and have been officially recognized by the imperial government as such, but not necessarily an archmage
  5. Dragon Folk Caste: dragonriders of the old dragon folk and their blood retinue
  6. Merchant Caste: wealthy merchants or descendants of wealthy merchants who are head of household and present-day merchants (include Free Imperial Cities)
  7. Foreign Worker Caste (Metic, Dwarven Sovereigners, many pamnests)
  8. Freeborn Commoner Caste: the second largest caste after the serf caste.
  9. Serf Caste (Land-tied Laborers)

See Also