List of Ithatian Personal Names
Personal and Family Names of Ithatian Peoples (Includes Deliopian, Maturnine, Ebinóëse, Phumaise). See also List of Theophoric Personal Names of the Pallathantic.
- Formation of Given Names
- The suffix "-nantis, -gantis, -antis, -contis, -onctis" means a devotee or worshiper of the root, usually a god or goddess. So the name Kirxionantis means a devotee of the god Kirxios. Zamacontis means a devotee of the goddess Zama (Eriu).
- The suffix -ktis means "precious of, beloved of"
- The suffix "zukos, zuka" means 'gift' and is often used with the names of gods. So Kirziozukos means 'gift of Kirxios.'
- The suffix -krantis means "seeker of, importuner of"
- The suffix -khomos menas "worthy".
Given Names
- A
- Abbiachus
- Adamanantis
- Addanantis
- Agdaskalos (Agdáskalos)
- Aliskémon
- Arathracontis
- Asgiocantis
- Azephassonantis
- B
- Bispotios (Bispotiaks)
- Bydanos
- CH (KH)
- Choron
- Choronaxipos
- D
- Delioster
- Dikolomon
- Dymoleus
- E
- Eiphanas, Iphanas (Eiphanaks)
- Eukept
- G
- Ganternis
- Gekkas
- H
- Helioponctis, Helioponktis
- I
- K
- Kaddis
- Kirxionantis
- Kirxionantine
- L
- Lankageddas "Slay-giant" (Lankageddaks)
- Lekkimos (Lekkimaks)
- M
- Mandusios "Belonging to Manduo" (Mandusiaks)
- Manducantis
- Maturnabias (Maturnabiaks)
- Memerth
- Mitalos
- N
- Narx
- P
- Paradeisius
- Parkyonantis
- Pasfos [Sometimes used as a demeaning generic name for an Ithatian man, by foreigners, especially Lucacians]
- Ph
- Phasker (Phaskraks)
- Phrudas
- Rh
- Rhionactis
- Rhionantis (Rhionantiaks)
- S
- T
- Teklation (Teklationaks)
- Tegas
- Telicus
- Teper (Tepriaks)
- Thuliocantis
- Treel (Trelos; Trelaks)
- Z
- Zamacontis (devotée of Zama (Eriu))
- Zamazukos (gift of the sun goddess)
- Zandocantis (devotée of Zando)
- Zeo (Zeonaks)
- Zeothoth
- Zersolon
- Zersunus (Zersunaks)
- Zuconus (also Zukonos) (Zuconaks, Zukonaks)
- A
- Amptercantis
- Andelanantis
- Aranisso
- Ardeiso
- Azephassonantis
- C
- CH
- D
- Daianantis
- E
- Elystranantis
- Errenantis
- I
- Iaphantissa
- Isphirkhoma [isphir + khoma]
- K
- Kamudassa
- L
- Leio
- Leioskaia [Leio + skaia]
- M
- Magdenantis
- Magdenantiskaia [Magde + nanti + skaia]
- Melíbdë
- O
- Orsinantis
- P
- Pallathanantis
- Pallathantina
- Pallathantiskaia [Pallatha + anti + skaia]
- S
- Sarredine
- T
- Thyssa
- X
- Xumë
- Xumeskaia [Xumë + skaia]
- Z
- Zamacontina (devotee of the sun goddess)
- Zamazuka (gift of the sun goddess)
- Zandocantis
- Zimzaphne (famous spellcaster)
- Zimzaphniskaia [Zimzaphne + skaia]
Formation of Patronyms
The suffix -aks designates a patronym or 'Son of' in Ithatian. For example, Zukonaks, 'Son of Zukonus' that famously names the ancient hero Addan.
The suffix -axipos designates a grandson or 'son of the son of' in Ithatian
Formations of Matronyms
The suffix -skaia designates 'Daughter of'. Matronyms are not used as commonly as patronyms for men.
Formation of Married Name
The suffix -aksimo is used to designate the patronym of the wife's husband.
Formation of Gentilician
The suffix -aksi designates a family founded by or descended from the root name.
Formation of Tribal Names
The suffix -min designates a whole tribe or people. For example, Geddamin, the people or nation of the Gedda and Kirxiomin, the tribe of the people of the god Kirxios.
Deliopian Family Names
- Pthamos (Ducal House)
- Tharstros
Maturnine Family Names
- Bydanaksi
Mirrhaimot Family Names
- Dalmuthanksi
- Etoanksi
See Also
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