List of Erechórebese Sunfathers

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Listing of all the acknowledged Erechórebese Sunfathers of the Yophenthean Arathracian Church from the Fall of Yophénthë (986) to the present day.

10th to 11th Centuries (991 to 1099)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
1 Galbry I 991 to 1,014 ~23 1014 First Sunfather, Solified
2 Fólmagal I 1,014 to 1,025 ~11 1025 Solified
3 Gioadh I 1,025 to 1,052 ~27 1052 Solified
4 Timireadh I 1,052 to 1,059 ~7 1059 Honored
5 Fihearn I 1,059 to 1,072 ~13 1072
6 Gry 1,072 to 1,091 ~19 1091
7 Tambrigal I 1,091 to 1,096 ~5 1096
8 Eredhean I 1,096 to 1,117 ~21 1117

12th Century (1100 to 1199)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
9 Dagiach I 1,117 to 1,126 ~9 1126
10 Bardinth I 1,126 to 1,142 ~16 1142
11 Glardathean I 1,142 to 1,151 ~9 1151
12 Smiahara I 1,151 to 1,153 ~2 1153
13 Fimbal I 1,153 to 1,167 ~14 1167
14 Hemirth I 1,167 to 1,183 ~16 1183
15 Andraval I 1,183 <1 1183
16 Ambry I 1,183 to 1,184 ~1 1184
17 Aigueadh I 1,184 to 1,191 ~7 1191
18 Rhagmand I 1,191 to 1,193 ~2 1193
19 Orsuniadh I 1,193 to 1,211 ~18 1211

13th Century (1200 to 1299) (Struggle for Doctrinal Hegemony versus Pytharnian Rite)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
20 Kidorn I 1,211 to 1,224 ~13 1224
21 Rhabufel I 1,224 to 1,233 ~9 1233
22 Reagal I 1,233 to 1,236 ~3 1236
23 Fioadh Tavril I 1,236 to 1,250 ~14 1250
24 Braflamag I 1,250 to 1,258 ~8 1258
25 Breagavin I 1,258 to 1,274 ~16 1274
26 Greagal I 1,274 to 1,286 ~12 1286
27 Ambry II 1,286 to 1,291 ~5 1291
28 Bardinth II 1,291 to 1,292 ~1 1292
29 Guaviadh I 1,292 to 1,305 ~13 1305

14th Century (1300 to 1399)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
30 Imbisioadh I 1,305 to 1,322 ~17 1322
31 Dagiach II 1,322 to 1,323 <1 1323
32 Erithragal I 1,323 to 1,324 ~1 1324
33 Mehambry 1,324 to 1,333 ~9 1333
34 Glardathean II 1,333 to 1,339 ~6 1339
35 Eredhean II 1,339 <1 1339
36 Erreagal I 1,339 to 1,356 ~17 1356
37 Smiahara II 1,356 to 1,369 ~13 1369
38 Ambreagal I 1,369 to 1,376 ~7 1376
39 Greagal II 1,376 to 1,381 ~5 1381
40 Reagal II 1,381 to 1,392 ~11 1392
41 Breagavin II 1,392 to 1,394 ~2 1394
42 Aigueadh II 1,394 to 1,402 ~8 1402

15th Century (1400 to 1499)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
43 Erithragal II 1,402 to 1,417 ~15 1417
44 Eidadh I 1,417 to 1,424 ~7 1424
45 Rhabufel II 1,424 to 1,433 ~9 1433
46 Eregry I 1,433 to 1,446 ~13 1446
47 Clambastadh I 1,446 to 1,457 ~11 1457
48 Glardathean III 1,457 to 1,458 ~1 1458
49 Eregioadh I 1,458 <1 1458
50 Rhagmand II 1,458 to 1,477 ~19 1477
51 Damagreal I 1,477 to 1,483 ~6 1483
52 Bardinth III 1,483 to 1,494 ~11 1494
53 Eidhastean I 1,494 to 1,498 ~4 1498
54 Andraval II 1,498 to 1,506 ~8 1506

16th Century (1500 to 1599)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
55 Erreagiadh I 1,506 to 1,518 ~12 1518
56 Ersealliach I 1,518 to 1,527 ~9 1527
57 Breagavin III 1,527 to 1,533 ~6 1533
58 Asimbal I 1,533 to 1,551 ~18 1551
59 Braflamag II 1,551 to 1,565 ~14 1565
60 Fólmagal II 1,565 to 1,576 ~11 1576
61 Clambastadh II 1,576 to 1,578 ~2 1578
62 Fihearn II 1,578 to 1,600 ~22 1600

17th Century (1600 to 1699) (Humanlike resurgence)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
63 Ambreagal II 1,600 to 1,613 ~13 1613
64 Galbry II 1,613 to 1,622 ~9 1622
65 Kidorn II 1,622 to 1,634 ~12 1634
66 Eregry II 1,634 to 1,637 ~3 1637
67 Fihearn III 1,637 to 1,642 ~5 1642
68 Eredhean III 1,642 to 1,649 ~7 1649
69 Smadry I 1,649 to 1,662 ~13 1662
70 Orsuniadh II 1,662 <1 1662
71 Reagal III 1,662 to 1,666 ~4 1666
72 Bardinth IV 1,666 to 1,672 ~6 1672
73 Damagreal II 1,672 to 1,686 ~14 1686
74 Rhabufel III 1,686 to 1,688 ~2 1688
75 Fallandry 1,688 to 1,691 ~3 1691
76 Erreagal II 1,691 to 1,697 ~6 1697
77 Braflamag III 1,697 to 1,699 ~2 1699
78 Gioadh II 1,699 to 1,704 ~5 1704

18th Century (1700 to 1799) (Early Magedoms)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
79 Hemirth II 1,704 to 1,714 ~10 1714
80 Tavinas I 1,714 to 1,723 ~9 1723
81 Smadry II 1,723 to 1,723 <1 1723
82 Safry I 1,723 to 1,728 ~5 1728
83 Eregry III 1,728 to 1,734 ~6 1734
84 Guaviadh II 1,734 to 1,741 ~7 1741
85 Ambry III 1,741 to 1,743 ~2 1743
86 Eregioadh II 1,743 to 1,751 ~8 1751
87 Cambadheal I 1,751 to 1,766 ~15 1766 Edition of the Arathracian Sacramentary
88 Asimbal II 1,766 to 1,770 ~4 1770
89 Erreagal III 1,770 to 1,787 ~17 1787
90 Greagal III 1,787 to 1,791 ~4 1791
91 Eidadh II 1,791 to 1,804 ~13 1804

19th Century (1800 to 1899) (Rise of Chaos Sorcerers)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
92 Fólmagal III 1,804 to 1,806 ~2 1806
93 Smadry III 1,806 to 1,809 ~3 1809
94 Tambrigal II 1,809 to 1,825 ~16 1825
95 Erreagiadh II 1,825 to 1,836 ~11 1836
96 Timireadh II 1,836 to 1,840 ~4 1840
97 Braflamag IV 1,840 to 1,847 ~7 1847
98 Erreagiadh III 1,847 to 1,853 ~6 1853
99 Safry II 1,853 to 1,865 ~12 1865
100 Flegandhor 1,865 to 1,867 ~2 1867
101 Erreagal IV 1,867 <1 1867
102 Rhabufel IV 1,867 to 1,872 ~5 1872 Beginning of Rhabufeline Edition of the Arathracian Sacramentary
103 Eidadh III 1,872 to 1,883 ~11 1883 Completion of Rhabufeline Edition of the Arathracian Sacramentary
104 Orry I 1,883 to 1,891 ~8 1891
105 Fimbal II 1,891 to 1894 ~3 1894
106 Erreagiadh IV 1,894 to 1,906 ~12 1906

20th Century (1900 to 1999) (1985 AI, Invasion of the Chaos Fleet)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
107 Cambadheal II 1906 <1 1906
108 Fihearn IV 1,906 to 1,907 ~1 1907
109 Corridhean I 1,907 to 1,929 ~22 1929
110 Erreagiadh V 1,929 to 1,934 ~5 1934
111 Fólmagal IV 1,934 to 1,942 ~8 1942
112 Hemirthean I 1,942 to 1,956 ~14 1956
113 Braflamag V 1,956 to 1,959 ~3 1959
114 Smadry IV 1,959 to 1,966 ~7 1966
115 Fioadh Tavril II 1,966 to 1,971 ~5 1971
116 Imbisioadh II 1,971 to 1,982 ~11 1982
117 Eidadh IV 1,982 to 1,985 ~3 1985 Solified as martyr of Arathracian Church, slain by an Aio in preparation for the Chaos Fleet
118 Senatorial Interregnum 1,985 to 1,988 ~3 n/a
119 Breagavin IV 1,988 to 1,997 ~9 1997 reigns in exile in Rhafyx
120 Meadhruin the Weary 1,997 to 2,014 ~17 2014 reigns in exile

21st Century (2000 to 2099) (2,083 AI) Reign of Titney the Magnificent Pest)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
121 Eregioadh III 2,014 to 2,020 ~6 2020 reigns in exile
122 Timireadh III 2,020 to 2,033 ~13 2033 reigns in exile
123 Smadry V 2,033 to 2,041 ~8 2041 reigns in exile
124 Ersealliach II 2,041 to 2,044 ~3 2044 reigns in exile
125 Corridhean II 2044 <1 2044 Disprized,reigns in exile, seduced by an Aio and slain
126 Eidhastean II 2,044 to 2,045 <1 2045 reigns in exile
127 Safry III 2,045 to 2,049 ~4 2049 reigns in exile
128 Tavinas II 2,049 to 2,055 ~16 2055 reigns in exile
129 Reagal IV 2,055 to 2,060 ~5 2060 reigns in exile
130 Uharrand 2,060 to 2,072 ~12 2072 reigns in exile
131 Kidorn III 2,072 to 2,083 ~11 2083 Solified, reigns in exile, Slain by Titney the Magnificent Pest
132 Senatorial Interregnum 2,083 to 2302 ~219 n/a No Erechórebese Sunfather

Many Sunfathers chosen elsewhere in Pallathantic World (Pytharnia, Corundy, Ambrinqua, Erserce, Throvy, ), tending toward schismatics

22nd Century (2100 to 2199) (2166 AI to 2224 AI, Anarch Wars)

23rd Century (2200 to 2299) (Late Chaos Ruler, Onset of Psychic Crusades) (2296 AI, Titney the Magnificent Pest slain)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
133 Ambry IV 2,202 to 2,207 ~5 2207 Restorationist Reign
134 Erithragal III 2,207 to 2,226 ~19 2226 Erithragaline Inquisition, Edition of the Arathracian Sacramentary
135 Eregioadh IV 2,226 to 2,334 ~7 2334 Establishment of the office of the Inquisitor Solar in Pytharnia
136 Tavinas III 2,234 to 2,338 ~4 2338
137 Aigueadh III 2,238 to 2,349 ~11 2349
138 Ambry Damagreal I 2,249 to 2,253 ~14 2253
139 Erreagal V 2,253 to 2,261 ~8 2261
140 Hemirth III 2,261 to 2,264 ~3 2264
141 Greagal IV 2,264 to 2,265 <1 2265
142 Asimbal III 2,265 to 2,282 ~17 2282
143 Galbry Fólmagal I 2,282 to 2,296 ~14 2296
144 Erreagiadh VI 2,296 to 2,305 ~9 2305

24th Century (2300 to 2399) (Triumph of Isbajutha)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
145 Flegandhor 2,305 to 2,312 ~7 2312
146 Ambry Fioadh 2,312 to 2,325 ~13 2325
147 Eregry IV 2,325 to 2,334 ~9 2334
148 Cambadheal III 2,334 to 2,345 ~11 2345
149 Clambastadh III 2,345 to 2,349 ~4 2349
150 Ambreagal III 2,349 to 2,351 ~2 2351
151 Tambrigal III 2,351 to 2,359 ~8 2359
152 Breagavin V 2,359 to 2,374 ~15 2374
153 Timireadh IV 2,374 to 2,380 ~6 2380
154 Eredhean IV 2,380 to 2,407 ~27 2407

25th Century (2400 to 2499) (Re-establishment of Isxinthion Gods) (Yophenthean Inquisitions) (Incarnandist Missions)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
155 Erreagiadh VII 2,407 <1 2407
156 Eregioadh V 2,407 to 2,409 ~2 2409
157 Damagreal III 2,409 to 2,407 ~8 2407
158 Reagal V 2,407 to 2,421 ~14 2421
159 Eregry V 2,421 to 2,432 ~11 2432
160 Eredhean V 2,432 to 2,442 ~10 2442
161 Ambry Fimbal 2,442 to 2,448 ~6 2448
162 Bardinth V 2,448 to 2,461 ~13 2461 Concordat of Ddwbha, Hegemony of Erechóreb Sunfatherhood established
163 Erithragal IV 2,461 to 2,478 ~17 2478 Erithragaline Edition of the Arathracian Sacramentary
164 Rhabufel V 2,478 to 2,485 ~7 2485
165 Galbry Fólmagal II 2,485 to 2,514 ~29 2514

26th Century (2500 to 2599) (Great Sky War) (2525 Accord of Princes of Law) (2587 AI, Congress of Bryndyd)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
166 Galbry Fihearn I 2,514 to 2,529 ~15 2529
167 Ambreagal IV 2,529 to 2,537 ~8 2537
168 Galbry Tambrigal I 2,537 to 2,548 ~11 2548
169 Galbry Fihearn II 2,548 to 2,557 ~9 2557
170 Hemirthean II 2,557 <1 2557
171 Eregioadh VI 2,555 to 2,568 ~13 2568
172 Ambry Fihearn 2,568 to 2,576 ~8 2576
173 Breagavin VI 2,576 to 2,578 ~2 2578
174 Orry II 2,578 to 2,602 ~24 2602 Congress of Bryndyd 2587 AI

27th Century (2600 to 2699) (Sewdhaine War, 2653 AI to 2671 AI)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
175 Greagal V 2,602 to 2,616 ~14 2616 Greagaline Edition of the Arathracian Sacramentary
176 Erithragal V 2,616 to 2,621 ~5 2621
177 Erreagal VI 2,621 to 2,623 ~2 2623
178 Rhagmand III 2623 <1 2623
179 Eredhean VI 2,623 to 2,626 ~3 2626
180 Orry Rhabufel I 2,626 to 2,660 ~34 2660
181 Galbry Tambrigal II 2,660 to 2,663 ~3 2663
182 Timireadh V 2,663 to 2,684 ~21 2684
183 Ambry Damagreal II 2,684 to 2,702 ~18 2702 Edition of the Arathracian Sacramentary

28th Century (2700 to 2750) (Revolt in Agogia)

Order Image Regnal Name Birth Years of Reign Length of Reign Death Remarks
184 Rhagmand IV 2,702 to 2,706 ~4 2706
185 Erithragal VI 2,706 to 2,725 ~19 2725
186 Galbry Hemirth 2,725 to 2,741 ~16 2741
187 Orry Rhabufel II 2741 to 2745 ~4 2745
188 Galbry Fólmagal III 2,745 to present ~6+ living present Sunfather

See Also