List of Kalaman Personal Names
These names are known from ancient Kalaman records and oral traditions. They are similar some regards to personal names of the Tassan Highlands.
Given Name
(P) indicates names popular among Paimbalans, whether in the Tassan Highlands or in Pytharnia. They may also be popular among other Tassans as well and are not necessarily exclusive to the Paimbalans. The letter (K) indicates that an ancient Kalaman king bore the name.
Notes: P = Paimbalan, K = name of ancient Kalaman King
- A
- Aguman (K)
- Ambhiru (K)
- Ankhu-Saidhya (K)
- Askramya [Askramijhanya]
- Aturyanda (K) "Devotee of Atur"
- Auranksh (P)
- B
- Baihir (K)
- Bakhurya (K)
- Bhimalyanda "Devotee of the god Bhimala"
- Bhindala (K) transliterated as "Vindalos" in old Ithatian records
- Brabdayanda "Devotee of the god Brabda"
- D
- Dhakhur (K)
- H
- Hesukhyanda (K) "Devotee of the god Hesukh"
- I
- Ibrikya
- Ipshaz (K)
- Ishuthulya (K) "Servant of the sun goddess Thaulya"
- J
- Jairutthala (K)
- K
- Karuthaya
- Kayattha (K)
- Kurutthesh (P)
- Kwatta (K)
- L
- Laugyathund (P)
- Ligmathya
- P
- Perevath
- PH
- Pharutha
- R
- Rhaalmathya
- Rhaaltheptis
- S
- Saddhya
- Shapphu
- Sharakshaya (K)
- T
- Tanchala (K)
- Thaulyanda "Devotee of the Sun Goddess"
- Thaulyokha (K) "Priest of the Sun Goddess Thulya"
- Z
- Zhakli
- A
- D
- Dhalufri ("Fri" means high-spirited woman or woman endowed with divine energy)
- L
- Lamyafri
- R
- Rhaalmathyali ("yali" means maiden")
- S
- Suruth
Family Name
- Bhaswiki
- Chandomiddo
- Dalthi
- Ghuna
- Iktogo
- Lashkafya
- {person} + {father's name}jhanya
example: Ligmathya Shapphujhanya
See Also
- Jaithan Language
- Kushiri Language
- List of Jaithan Personal Names
- List of Tassan Personal Names
- Tassan Language
- Tassan Highlands
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