Khahonri Language

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The historic and modern-day languages of the Khahonri people, including the Shenimite Tribe.


' h q (k') k kh t t' th th' s s' z z' sh b bh p [p'] ph g gh d dh j (dzh) y w


-irbh (singular), -iryabh (plural) ("giant")

t'ebhibhyá t'ebhibhyáw t'ebhibhyáwth t'ebhibhyáwn t'ebhibhyón+

-iya nf: feminine singular ending

Khahonri Language triliteral verb roots

to concentrate in mind, to struggle in thought against, to fight purposefully against; to fight by means of one’s determination; to be a psychic crusader
agent (male)
tis'baja, plural: tis'bajuma (ti +xxaxa, first vowel of triliteral root is lost)
agent (female)
tis'bajiya, plural: tis'bajiyúth
isbajath; plural: is'bajutha, "Psychic Crusade"
product or result of action
shu+, shus'baj, "victory in the isbajath"
These need to be changed
person associated with, substantive
person associated with, substantive
is'bajuthaami, companion of a psychic crusader
yubh vb to come (compare middle voice)

Passive Voice Formation
passive effective root
li+ for verbs with passive effective objects
for example
  • li + rehekheh = lirhákh "to be born"
passive ineffective root
ni+, un+ , for verbs with passive that has no effect on object
for example
  • un + diy'm = und'am "to be seen"
a+ noun or adjective
feminine singular nominative/agent: -alith
masculine singular nominative agent: -ulim



See Also