A principal and ancient city of Vimalia in on the shore of Lake Vimala, Addinoro is a subject city of the Republic of Johaulia and celebrated for its ancient priesthood, temples, and history. Addinoro is also the seat of a municipality in its own right. In Jathya-Dhumi, Addinoro is called Aturoksha which means "City of the god Atur". The city's namesake is thought to be the most ancient or nearly most ancient cult since it was established. Lord Atur and Lord Vimal are the two principal divinities that have been propitiated for countless millennia.
The god Atur is aptly patron of the city as it receives an abundance of rain in spring and late summer, with endless drizzles during the winter. Addinoro is among the rainiest cities of Vimalia and has a climate best described as a 'Mediterranean Rain Forest' in Earth terms. The rainy weather is attributed to the fact that Atur rests next to a large lake on the plateau of Corundy. It also receives much rainfall run-off from the northeast Damisatta Mountains as the city is perched on steep slopes on the shore of Lake Vimal. A system small canal channels were built in ancient times to help drain the city of nearly perpetual rainfall.
The dragonrail lines of Addinoro were built over the small canal channels that serve to drain the city during the rainy season.

See Also
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