Sheba of House Lamta

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Sorcerer-Empress Sheba of House Lamta is the daughter of Sorcerer-Emperor Tsalut of House Lamta by his third concubine. Her greatest titles are Sorcerer-Empress of Terubia, Queen of Akuba, Sultana of Kathmalaä, Mistress of Mandragoria, and Protectress of Falmigir. Sheba rose to the station of sorcerer-empress and consolidated her power during the Albartha Campaigns. As the ruling scion of one of the thirteen aristocratic sorcerous houses of Terub, Sheba is a mighty sorceress whom her subjects quietly acknowledge is descended from devils. She is well known as an accomplished user of the Throne of Stars, the powerfully enchanted seat upon which the sorcerer-emperers of Terubia have sat for roughly 1,790 Joturnian years before the present. Sheba is arguably the single most powerful person in the World of Joturnia.

During the Albartha Campaigns, Sheba exacted revenge upon House Emujja whom she prosecuted for slaying her father. She slew nearly all members of House Emujja and subjected the remaining ones to magical domination. Due to certain treaties and covenants with entities of the lower realms, it was not expedient for Sheba to annihilate House Emujja.

Naphthalia of House Lamta is her adopted daughter, widely known to be the illegitimate offspring of Sheba's brother, Prince Amudh of House Lamta, and a blue dragon. Naphthalia is the chief captain of the Bluedrakes, an elite corps of half-dragons who serve the Sorceress-Empress.

Sheba appears as a somewhat tall, strikingly beautiful woman with pale, almost golden skin and nearly white hair. Her irises are very faint violet. She is rumored to be a virgin and has no publicly acknowledged courtesan or paramour.

In official regalia, Sheba dresses with the imperial crown that incorporates the white cobra, the device, of House Lamta.

See Also