Sea of Halamas

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The Sea of Halamas situated in the Asdaurian interior

A mysterious sea situated in the desolate region of north central Asdauria,, the Sea of Halamas is a great depression filled with violet-lavender vapor. The sea rests between the Jusher Wastes to the south, Agnasiana to the north, and Orogurnia to the east. When viewed from above, the Sea of Halamas appears to be a sea of violet fluid. While the gas is not toxic, it is also not air and cannot be breathed for any length of time without suffocation. In the east, there is a whole body of folklore that explains the Sea of Halamas and what creatures dwell in it. Western Scholars consider these largely fanciful and there is little knowledge that has been independently verified about the Sea of Halamas. Caravaners and skycraft merchants have long been wary of entering the sea and all trade routes through central Asdauria assiduously avoid the Sea of Halamas.

The nearest city of any size is to the Sea of Halamas is Jehongir to the north.

See Also