List of Arathracian Ecclesiastical Names
Arathracian high clergy take upon themselves a clerical name, almost always for which there is a precedent for a sunfather or a sun senator. The body of accepted Arathracian Ecclesiastical names has grown considerably large over nearly two millennia. The male exclusivity of Arathracian priesthood excludes female names, but female versions of these names are used within Arathracian families. The designation 'sf' means the name was used by at least one Arathracian Sunfather.
- Aigueadh (sf)
- Ambreagal (sf)
- Ambry (Ambreach) (sf)
- Ambry Damagreal (sf)
- Ambry Fihearn (sf)
- Ambry Fimbal (sf)
- Ambry Fioadh (sf)
- Andraval (sf)
- Asimbal (sf)
- Bardinth (sf)
- Braflamag (sf)
- Breagavin (sf)
- Cambadheal (sf)
- Clambastadh (sf)
- Corridhean (sf)
- Dagiach (sf)
- Damagreal (sf)
- Eidadh (sf)
- Eidhastean (sf)
- Eredhean (sf)
- Eregioadh (sf)
- Eregry (Eregreach) (sf)
- Erithragal, "Grandson of Arathrax, Offspring of Erithraigean" (sf)
- Erreagal, "Son of the Sunlord" (sf)
- Erreagiadh (sf)
- Ersealliach, "Solar Brilliance" (sf)
- Fallandry (sf)
- Fihearn (sf)
- Fimbal (sf)
- Fioadh Tavril (sf)
- Flegandhor (sf)
- Fólmagal (sf)
- Galbry (Galbreach) (sf)
- Galbry Fihearn (sf)
- Galbry Fólmagal (sf)
- Galbry Hemirth (sf)
- Galbry Tambrigal (sf)
- Gioadh (sf)
- Glardathean (sf)
- Greagal (sf)
- Gry (Greach) (sf)
- Guaviadh (sf)
- Hemirth (sf)
- Hemirthean (sf)
- Imbisioadh (sf)
- Kidorn (sf)
- Mehambry (sf)
- Orry (Orreach) (sf)
- Orry Rhabufel (sf)
- Orsuniadh (sf)
- Reagal (sf)
- Rhabufel (from Rhambufel) (sf)
- Rhagmand (sf)
- Safry (sf)
- Smadry (Smadreach), "Lord of Fire" (sf)
- Smiahara (sf)
- Tambrigal (sf)
- Tavinas (sf)
- Timireadh (sf)
- Uharrand (sf)
See Also
- List of Classical Yophenthean Personal Names
- List of Erechórebese Personal Names
- List of Erechórebese Sunfathers
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