The ruins of ancient Challanushra rest at the end of the Tulampta Peninsula on the western shore of Lake Vimala. Challanushra was founded in the late fourth millennium before Salmakhamer. Challanushra was lost in late antiquity to the knowledge of the Kalamans until it was discovered in the past century. Kalaman scholars believe it was founded no later than the City-State Period of Kalama, 6,100 AS to 4,400 AS, or at least seven thousand years ago. During this time, Challanushra was independently ruled by its own prince.
Necropolises of Challanushra
The necropolis of the city-state ruler, resting on the steep heights of Goshand Island on Lake Vimala, was known since antiquity and surveys by archeologers have determined that it is entirely looted, although this is disputed. The once lavish decoration of the tombs is nearly all faded. In 2697, Johaulian archeologers confirmed the discovery of the Necropolis of Challanushra in the forest of the Tulampta Peninsula. The site is now protected and entry forbidden without authorization. Most of the artifacts retrieved rest in the Tassan Museum of Kalaman Antiquities. The site is overgrown with trees and vegetation of the eastern end of the Bakha Sora Forest and is not readily accessible.
See Also
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