List of Pytharnian Personal Names
Revision as of 11:21, 16 November 2013 by Trismegistus (talk | contribs) (change to lists of personal names)
Personal and Family names of the Pytharnian Language are also commonly used in the Gonfalese and Dúrandworese languages. Many of these names are traditional for centuries, but others have been adopted from other languages and become part of the accepted names commonly used in southeast Pytharnia.
Genitive form for patronyms is given second and is necessary as patronyms are essential to Pytharnian names for men.
Clan Names are essential too. There are less than 100 clan names which for the high population of Magdala and southeastern Pytharnia that patronyms and place-names are requisite.
Personal Names
- Male
- Airugadin, Airugaidhne
- Aodhaive, Aodhaiva
- Duagda, Duaigde
- Fiogal, Fiogaile
- Gealmas
- Glaibhe, Glaibha
- Gorrig, Gorriga
- Harth, Hairtha
- Ithrave, Ithraiva
- Kerimond, Kerimoinde
- Riom
- Liogurn, Lioguirne
- Medibglame, Medibglaima (adopted from Medibgóëse)
- Neif, Niva
- Ontairgain, Ontairgaina
- Pirrhaig, Pirrhaiga
- Rhapsarck
- Talismot
- Thrastomion
- Tiogurn, Tioguirne
- Female
- Asdairdine
- Erriagsa
- Gwebaline
- Ithravaine
- Magdaine
- Magdainia
- Magdailga
Clan Names
- Firraharre
- Basheffa
- Sachla
- Tamaculga
- {name} dalg {name}
- Airugadin dalg Fiogaile
- Airugadin dalg Fiogaile dalg Hairtha dalg Niva
- Ontairgain dalg Pirrhaiga