High Shadevan Valley

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The High Shadevan Valley rests north and east of the Jaggudorns.

The very broad plateau through which the Shadew River flows is sometimes called the High Shadevan Valley which is the drainage basin of the Shadew River before it reaches the Canyon of the Shadew. The valley rests at an elevation lower than the Amandal Plateau and higher than much of Transalpine Agogia and the Shadmaus. The High Shadevan is the basis of the name for the High Shadevan Tribes which are known to have dwelt in the region for many millennia before the advent of the Gwenyan Tribes.

The High Shadevan Valley has very mild summers with cold winters. It is the native region where the marvelous gontha migrate seasonally, the birthplace of skycraft, and the homeland of the first Sky Tribes.

See Also