Arathracian Catechism

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The Arathracian Catechism is the instructions of doctrine necessary to participate in the sacraments to children and adult converts. Catechism has existed in the Arathracian Church in one form or another since at least the eighth century.

An example of modern Arathracian Catechism follows:

Q:Who is the source of our faith and redemption?
A: Arathrax who is the father and the son.

Q: Arathrax is the father and the son. How is he the father?
A: Holy Arathrax begot the Eight Holy Fathers through blessed Aireánnau.

Q: Why is Holy Arathrax the son?
A: Holy Arathrax is firstborn of Amrulon Universal Sun, Lord of Isxinthions, through the goddess Eriu, sun of the sky.

Q: You have answered well. Who are the Holy Fathers through blessed Aireánnau?
A: They are eight: Erithraigean, Erigandor, Eriphirvean, Erichmedhean, Erismadhal, Erigweidh, Erreagal, and Eriselean.

Q: Why is the sacred number eight held so?
A: In the number eight, the mystery of god is manifest.

Q: What are the eight points of the sun?
A: The sun passes through eight points in the sacred year. The major four are the two solstices and the two equinoxes. The minor four rest in between these.

See Also