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b 231 AI Sigia, Erismádhal, according to Arathracianism, is the fifth son of Aireánnau Mother of the Folk and the god Arathrax. His name means divine fire. He was said to have wedded Saint Signe and fathered many children by her. Erismádhal was taught by the god Mamug (see also Mamuchan) how to smith. Erismádhal, then forged seven swords, modeled after the great sword which Arathrax loaned to his son, Erithráigean. These swords were said to possess divine power when wielded in combat by Arathraciots but to be harmful to all others who were not divine. According to Arathracian legend, some of the swords still exist upon the earth. These swords are collectively called the Erismadhalian Swords.

See Also