Concordat of Ddwbha (2457)

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The Concordat of Ddwbha (2457) was negotiated and agreed to in Ddwbha, Gonfaloy between the Arathracian Church and the secular and ecclesiastical leaders of southeastern Pytharnia, especially the Autonomous Pytharnian Arathracian Church. The concordat resolved the controversies and independence of the Pytharnian Church of the twenty fourth and twenty fifth centuries when the Archpatriarch of Trevirs was according many of the honors and administrative powers of the Sunfather and was the defacto Sunfather of southwestern Pytharnia. Sunfather Bardinth V (regnavit, 2448 to 2461), Tirrhaglewb IV (regnavit 2455 to 2492), and the Archpatriarch of Trevirs were the principal participants.

The separation of the Pytharnian Church from the Erechórebese Church during the Chaos Rulers of the Middle Ages of Chaos was further exacerbated by the policies of the New Kalikán Empire which had obliged the Pytharnian Church to become more autonomous from the central Erechórebese authority of the church in an effort to diminish its power.

See Also