The Commonwealth of Gdelisica is a dwarven state on the southwestern slopes of the Jaggudorns. It shares long borders with Kasthavia, Themet, Jagohr, and the Empire of Magdala, and a short border with Dagdoria. It is overflown by two great skynesses of Medibgö, Mabdawcha rRiago and Magnaffgiéws. The surface territory of Gdelisica is used to cultivate crops and livestock for the dwarves who on average spend at least half their time underground in the industrial concerns of the country. The capital of Gdelisica is Gered Sinna. A large minority of Gdelicans are Incarnandist.

What became modern Gdelisica was first colonized by Ithradite dwarves in 7594 AS with the founding of the dwarven city of Gered Sinna. The spoken language is a dialect of the Ithradic Dwarven Language. Gdelisica was a monarchy until until it succumbed to chaos cults in the Middle Ages of Chaos. During the Isbajutha, power dwarven energist warriors defeated the chaos cultists, established a commonwealth, and increased the fledgling state's influence to the southwest, expanding the size of the state beyond its historic boundaries. Gdelisican dwarves are renown as powerful energist warriors and teach their peculiar methods of discipline and training to other dwarves at various underground schools.
Gdelisica is governed by an assembly of elders elected by the numerous communities of the country. They meet in Gered Sinna to establish state policy, legislation, and appoint the officers of the country.
Industry and Commerce
Gdelisica historically had deposits of gold, but it is generally believed these have been worked to exhaustion. Some human observers speculate that Gdelisica is rich in iron, but there is no industrial output that confirms this. Gdelisica is lower in elevation and produces agricultural products which it sells to its dwarven neighbors. Gdelisica is an important center of titancraft industry. Titancraft Dwarvensmithies is one of the most powerful titancraft corpora mercia of the state with its headquarters in Gered Sinna. Gdelisica also is part of the Dwarven under-rail system with Themet, Dagdoria, and Sardeichs. Gered Sinna is also served by surface dragonrail. Gdelisica joined the Dwarven Customs Union of the Jaggudorns in 2730 Hearthmoon.
See Also
- Dwarven Customs Union of the Jaggudorns
- Commonwealth of Gdelisica
- Gered Sinna
- List of the Rulers of Gdelisica
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See Also
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