Principality of Smiago

The Principality of Smiago is one of eleven states located entirely within the Corundian Peninsula. Smiago is a sovereign state that neighbors the Archpatriarchy of Tiomairy, the Free Republic of Rhiony, the Republic of Johaulia, and the Principality of Effronia. Smiago has a relatively small coastline along the Bay of Ferruvicar in the Memnosian Sea. Smiago is ruled by a hereditary prince who has traditionally been Arathracian and the connection between the Arathracian Church and the principate is very strong. Smiago is a member state of the League of Corundy. The residence of the prince rests in the capital city of Smiago. The northernmost territory of Smiago differs culturally and ethnically from the Arathracian south. Northern Smiago has a strong minority of Rhionian citizens whose religion is based upon the cult of Rhio mixed with practices inherited from ancient Kalama. The ethnic demonym for Smiago is Smiagonese.
The principal language of the state is Corundian and Smiago is part of the core territory of historic Corundy. The dialect of Corundian is called Smiagonese. In addition to Corundian, the Mosandhu and Thulhadhu Dialects of Kushiri are spoken on the northwestern boundary between Smiago and Rhiony.
Like most states in Corundy, Smiago was liberated from the Gorcorumbese Empire in 2587. Smiago has been accused of being a haven for smugglers with the tacit support of the prince. It is alleged that northern Smiago provides access into central Corundy for contraband, including drugs and even chaos cult items. The Prince of Smiago vehemently denies this.
The second largest city in the principality is Ontigaire.
See Also
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