Dzeke Tribes
The Dzeke Tribes were part of a vassal province of the Jatha-Nebir Kingdom, ca 1500 AS, inhabiting what is now the Tamajusa Mountains of Zamiria. They spoke an isolated language, unrelated to the Gwenyan Languages or the Jathya-Dhumi Languages of ancient Kalaman. They resisted the incursions of the Ithatian Tribes of the early to mid second millennium before Salmakhamer, but eventually were absorbed culturally into the invasions of the Midrinksi in the first millennium before Salmakhamer.
Dzeke Language
Some five hundred short stone inscriptions survive. A few very short texts were preserved by the ancient Kalamans as well as numerous references to proper nouns, including tribal leaders, heroes, sacred places, and the divinities of the Dzeke Tribes are recorded by ancient historians.