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The Solmagál was a confederation and subsequently a culture and language based in the southern Jaggudorns in roughly the late first millennium before Salmakhamer. The original four Gwenyan tribes of Gantvia became skyfaring and formed a coalition broadly similar to that of the early Franks of Earth. These tribes, the Jazimba, the Gjaddivba, the Djakba, and the Yrhba were ethnically related to each other and to the Gwenyan tribes of Thrace to the north and of Jamenth to the south.

Historically, the Solmagál enjoyed an early expansion albeit passing before the rise of the Yophenthean Empire. Many of their practices were adopted later by the rulers and military lords of Thrace. The Solmagál set out on trading expeditions and piratical raids on the cities and coasts of the eastern Pallathantic Sea, establishing colonies abroad, most notably in Tanshakilu which they renamed Mirhrhaimo. The Solmagál developed useful improvements in skycraft technology of the first millennium and later the middle ages.

The Solmagál based in Gantvia spread their dominion to include Jamenth and the Carsars Karhrhari of ancient Shaddago.

The Solmagáli Language was thought to be especially beautiful. Bards of the Solmagál culture were considered the best poet-singers of the sky peoples.

The Solmagál shared skyfaring practices with the Kalikán and other Thracians in the first millennium after Salmakhamer, helping the Thracians become overlords among the Jaggudornish sky-tribes leading to the overthrow of the central hegemony of the Yophenthean Empire.

Original Tribes of Gantvia who formed the early Solmagál Federation
  • Jazimba
  • Gjaddivba
  • Djakba
  • Yrhba
Tribes of Expanded Solmagál Federation
  • Gylja
  • Bohoba
  • Ivwaspa
  • Jehemba
  • Nohogonjaba
  • Bjevwa
  • Kyvajimba


  • ca 525 AS: The Gantvian predecessors to the Solmagál are pre-skyfaring tribes: Djakba, Gjaddivba, Jazimba, Yrhba
  • ca 400 AS: The Gantvians adopt skycraft for seasonal transhumance of gontha herds
  • ca 1 AS (Salmakhamer): Year ‘One’ according to common usage
  • late 100's: birth of Ljehoko of the tribe of Yrhba, legendary founder of the Solmagál Federation
  • ca early 200’s Ljehoko unites the Jazimba, Gjaddivba, Djakba, and Yrhba tribes to form the Solmagál Federation in what is now Gantvia.
  • ca mid to late 200's Solmagál expands in southern Jaggudorns: additional tribes Gylja, Bohoba, Ivwaspa, Jehemba, Nohogonjaba, Bjevwa, Kyvajimba
  • ca 320: Solmagali warlord conquers Tanshilaku and renames it Mirrhaimo; Solmagali pirates menace the eastern Pallathantic
  • ca mid 400’s: Solmagali merchants establish trade routes to eastern Pallathantic, Northern Memnosian, and western Asdauria. Competition with other sky tribes of southern Jaggudorns, Thrace is still not powerful enough to defeat neighboring lands.
  • Late 400's: Kerhikoja, Prince of the Solmagál, marries Princess Heialak of Jamenth, daughter of dowager Queen Lixylak of Jamenth
  • ca early 500’s Solmagal becomes hegemon of southern Jaggudorns. Jamenth and Carsars are subject to/members of their overlordship.
  • ca 600’s Solmagali hegemony breaks up under the power of the Yophenthean empire to the west and the Thracian warlords to the north, other warring forces to the east, and internal struggles.
  • Early 700's: Thrace united under powerful warlord's family
  • ca 700, Solmagál are critical in the early development and dispersion of the banfrial skycraft
  • Mid-700's Kalikán invade eastern Yophenthean Empire, some Solmagali skybands participate under the Thracian warlord.

See Also