Ulcanosto Waste

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The Ulcanosto Waste is one of the greater Throe Wastes of western Lucacia and rests to the east of the Jepetto Plain in the Aurician Province of Ugornia. The Van Waste lies east of it.

A so-called natural arch spans two hills in the Ulcanosto Waste. Midjourney.

The creation of the Ulcanosto Waste is recorded to have occurred in 2275 as is called a 'devastation' as is the creation of any throe waste. Prince Ulcanov left Aurice to make campaign against the forces of chaos, specifically the uhlaks horde, in what subsequently became the Ulcanosto Waste. Prince Ulcanov was victorious, but was obliged to return to Aurice as the Tisbajuma had besieged the city in what became the Fifth Isbajath. After he returned to Aurice, the Communions and the chaos horde caused the Devasation of Ulcanosto in the place where the Dark Prince had been camped.

The largest city that was destroyed in the devastation was Khaha.

See Also