Ambrew Tisgonas

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Ambrew Tisgonas conducting an assembly of Lucacian wizards as part of governance as Wizardmaster to House Bijäl. Midjourney v6, 2024.

b 2567, d 2600 (executed). House Wizard and Wizardmaster to House Bijäl from 2586 to 2600. Installed by Grand Duke Stalcast Bijäl to replace Wizardmaster Hewlus Draingoblet who died of old age. Tisgonas served with distinction, but always lived in the shadow of his famous predecessor. Tisgonas was executed by Vast Bijäl on strong suspicion that he was going to overthrow the Grand Duchy and that he was behind the death of Grand Duke Stalcast Bijäl. Grand Duke Vast refused to replace him, fearing plots. When he finally discovered that his brother, Rhungast, was behind the plot, he acted on rage and they fought the infamous duel where Rhungast slew his older brother, the Grand Duke.

Steborn Hallagunst was already serving House Bijäl and came to fulfill many of the functions of Wizardmaster. He was made wizardmaster officially during the reign of Rhungast Bijäl.

See Also