List of Academic Disciplines
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Being a list of academic disciplines and applied sciences peculiar to Asdar and common to Earth
List of Academic Disciplines
- A
- Aetherobatics♦
- Aetheronautics♦ See Etheronautics
- Aeronautics
- Aeronesology♦ The study of skynesses
- Alchemy
- Arcanism♦ arcanism relies on accessing power of the World Soul through parameters that are external to the human soul (the universe is out there) by means of esoteric conventions
- Arcanodynamics♦ the study of magical energy (pan) in motion
- Arcanophysics♦ the study of how magic works, magical principles, and how magic works in magical systems, including the world soul
- Arcanistry♦ Study of the inner workings of the creatrix which is essential to titancraft engineering
- Archeology
- Asdarography, compare geography
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Astrobatics♦ The study of locomotion in the Astral Realm.
- Astrodynamics♦
- Astronautics♦ The study of vessels designed for travel through the Astral Realm
- Astrophasics♦
- Astrophysics♦ The study of phenomena in the Astral Realm.
- Astrocosmism♦
- Autochthonism
- C
- Cosmogony, The study of the creation of the universe
- Cosmonuminism♦ The study of the life force energy of the living world and contiguous realms
- D
- Draconology♦ Study of draconic physiology and dragon culture
- E
- Elementology♦ The study of the four classical elements
- Etherodynamics♦ The study of the behavior of ethereal matter and matter in an ethereal state
- Etherobatics♦ The study of locomotion in the Ethereal Realm
- Etheronautics♦ The study of vessels designed for use in the Ethereal Realm
- G
- Gigantology♦ Study of giant human physiology
- H
- Hecatology♦ The study of the properties of the Witchlands
- Hormastics♦
- K
- Kalamantology♦ the study of the history, culture, and language of ancient Kalama
- M
- Magdeology♦, compare geology
- Magdeometry♦, compare geometry, Magdeometry is the measurement of the world of Asdar with respect to esoteric knowledge
- Magecraft♦
- Metallurgy
- Midrettarianism♦
- Mixotherology♦ study of half-human half-beast creatures, such as centaurs, dracknaughts, and uhlaks.
- N
- Nanology♦ Study of dwarven physiology
- Numinology♦ Study of the energy forces of nature
- P
- Pamphysiology♦ Study of how natural laws relate on a macro-scale
- Panurgistics♦
- Parkyology♦ Study of the Sky
- Physics♦, compare physics, study of natural phenomena, compare physics and chemistry; physicker
- Polycosmology♦, The study of various realms and how they interrelate.
- Polytheology♦ The study of the gods and of one or more pantheons
- R
- S
- Symphlogistics, Symphlogistician
- T
- Theologian, Polytheologian
- Theophilosophy♦, The study of the nature of the existence of divinities
- Titancraft♦
- Titanology♦ Study of the culture of the ancient titans
Academic Schools of Thought
Types of Scholars
- Archeologer, Scholar and practitioner of archeology
- Magdeologer
- Physicker, a scholar of physics
- Realmsage, the common name of a polycosmologer or one who studies polycosmology
♦ indicates a discipline peculiar to Asdar and not known to Earth.
See Also
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