List of Solmagali Personal Names
The various tribes of the ancient Solmagál alliance spoke dialects of the same language. This list includes names favored by parents. Some names are peculiar to a certain tribe in the alliance
Naming Convention
An ancient Solmagali male infant received a given name, a patronym, the name of his extended family, and sometimes a tribal name.
A patronym is formed by adding the father's first name to 'onaf.' For example, 'Agjaronaf' means Agjar's son. This is a compound form, rather than a genitive form.
A matronym is formed by adding the mother's first name to 'sarsa' or 'isarsa.' For example, Njokisarsa' means Njoka's daughter. This is a compound form, rather than a genitive form.
Many Solmagali had nicknames that were used in preference to their given names, even in formal circumstances. This was thought originally to protect the person from the unwanted attention of gods or natural divinities. In time, they came to reflect the renown or infamy of the particular person. Men and women would often be named for one of their children, whether for reputable or disreputable cause. For example, a man could be called Agjarorpap or Agjarpap which means 'Agjar's Father'. The line between nicknames and insults was not always perfectly clear.
Given Names
Male Names
- A
- Agjar
- Asu 'white'
- Atuhwako, Atumohwako 'Friend of Eagles, Eagle-Friend'
- B
- Bahirago 'Master of Horses'
- Bahivedjo 'lord of horses'
- Blardo
- Bjezo 'grumbler'
- D
- Djakvedjo 'Lord of War'
- Drakodas 'North fame'
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- Jarpokorvedjo, Jarpovedjo 'Lord of the skyfleet'
- K
- Kerhikoja
- L
- Lig 'happy'
- Ljehoko ‘spirit-hull’, ‘spirit ship’
- M
- N
- Njamjo 'wet', 'wet one', originally given to children thought to be offspring of water nymph
- Nurhihwako, Nurhihwak 'Wind-friend, friend of the wind'
- P
- Pradago 'Sky Strong'
- Pradodas, Pardas 'Sky Fame'
- Praerko 'sky-free'
- Pralje 'Sky soul, Sky Spirit'
- Prarago 'Sky Master'
- Pravedjo 'Sky Lord'
- Prazorojo 'sky spacious’
- T
- Tarhrhajál 'Tarrha's tall one' or 'Tall in Tarrha'
- Tarhrhakysk 'Tarrha's Sword'
- Tarhrhatirg, Tarhtirg 'Helm of Tarrha'
- V
- Vahwovedjo 'Lord of Men'
- Vwarovedjo 'Lord of the Weir'
- W
- Waslumo 'Spear-wielder,' 'Spear-bearer'
Male Nicknames
- A
- Ahbabiblo 'Sire of a nation of bastards'
- B
- Bajevoro 'old wizard', 'old witch'
- Bajo 'folk wizard,' 'folk-witch'
- Bjalfevoro 'big old one, big old man'
- Bjarevoro 'old steel'
- D
- Dajo 'beast rider'
- Drako 'north, north man, from the north'
- Drigobiblo 'Father of Goblins'
- G
- Glibdo 'left-handed, lefty'
- Glibdevoro 'old lefty'
- Gotofif 'light of foot', 'fleet-footed'
- Grijo 'red, red-headed'
- I
- Ifriniko 'prow boy'
- K
- Kenko 'little, small'
- Kobjevoro, Kobevoro 'old bear'
- Kobjo 'bear'
- P
- Paparevo 'old pappy'
- S
- Sjafwobiblo 'Dragonsire', 'begetter of dragons'
- Sjafwonaf 'Dragonson, son of a dragon'
- T
- Tarko 'craftsman', never used with aristocrats
Female Names
- A
- Aswi 'white,' 'fair'
- D
- Daja 'beast rider'
- G
- Gotofiffi 'light of foot', 'fleet-footed'
- H
- Heialak ‘? crescent’
- K
- L
- Lixylak ‘silver crescent’
- N
- Njamja 'wet', 'wet one', originally given to children thought to be offspring of water nymph
- Njehwa 'honey, honeyed-one' from njehu, 'honey'
- Njoka 'fiery orange, fiery red-orange'
- O
- Onagarha 'jade'
- Osmikilak 'Golden Wedge, Golden Crescent'
- P
- Pragwalja 'Sky fertile'
- R
- RH
- Rhyklak 'middle crescent, half moon'
- T
- Tarhrhalub 'Shield of Thwar'
- Y
- Yskilak 'Crescent Gold-moon'
Female Nicknames
- A
- B
- Baja 'folk wizard,' 'folk-witch'
- Bajevora 'old wizard', 'old witch'
- Bajohwaka 'witch-friend,' 'friend of witches'
- D
- Draka 'north, north woman, from the north'
- I
- K
- Kalja, Kali 'song-witch'
- Kenka 'little, small'
- Kobja not used as a nickname
- N
- Narskoi 'spiraling seashell'
- Z
- Zandolub 'Shield of Zando'
See Also
- Ancient Moigthe Names
- Languages of the Jaggudorns
- List of Thracian Personal Names
- Solmagál
- Solmagáli Language
This article is a stub. It requires further development by the creator. |