Erechórebese Language: Lexicon
Erechórebese to English
- A
- airean adj holy, pertaining to the gods
- Aireánnau nf prop: gen Aireánnabhan, mother to eight sons by Arathrax
- airreach: priest
- Ambreal: Amrulon
- ancion: command
- ancorónsiu: kingdom
- ancuvetácodh: container for the cuvétar, usually made of fine wood with metal braces and extensive guilding, an ancuvetacodh is highly enriched with ornamentation and precious and semi-precious stones. It is kept on display inside the temple as a sacred relic in its own right.
- ancuvetarguath, ancuvetarguantan: bearer of the cuvétar when transported to a temple.
- ar: divinity
- arvima nf north
- arphac adj divine
- aru: god
- B
- bachlu n door
- blas: cheese
- bomach, bomagan: high place used for sacrifice or worship, usually pre-Arathracian
- bor nm mountain
- branda adj strong
- branau: maiden
- bransichiu adj muscular, powerful, full of strength
- buadh nf mouth
- bulpha: lesser altar, used for prayers or remembrances, not used for blood sacrifices.
- C
- caliath: music
- chme: great stone altar for animal sacrifice to the gods
- chosia nf west
- córonde: king
- cuve- vb: to fall, to let fall, to give one's portion, said of one of higher rank to one of lower rank; thought to signify the stone falling from heaven, like a meteor.
- cuvetac adj pertaining to a cuvétar
- cuvétar: sacred artifact placed into a small chamber the center of the echteal
- D
- E
- echteal: large, stone basin used for ceremonial bathing core to Yophenthean Temple rites
- erga nf east
- Erithrach: Arathrax, firstborn of the Sun God, Amrulon
- erribaba: sunfather
- erithráigeath: erithraigeantan: high priest of the sun, priest-noble
- F
- G
- glandar: horse
- guhadh nf cave
- gwav, gwabh: eagle
- gwavaliadh: aquilifer; appears as ‘gweivaliadh’ when used as a personal name
- H
- I
- J
- smagdar: jaw
- K
- L
- lageaha nf night
- M
- N
- neadhra nm face
- nuhan nf south
- O
- P
- palamb: metal
- pemedh: ancient
- Q
- R
- reach, reag- nm: master, leader
- Rheigu: Rhio, god of drunkenness, patron god of Medibgö; anciently thought of as a fire god and then a solar divinity
- S
- sárach: island
- saragean: islander
- siachabdean nm Shachabdin
- smad, smadh: fire
- smaila: sword
- srambea: girl, maid, maiden
- T
- taubri: brown, tawny
- tephreach: medallion of sun lord
- threántu: chariot
- threantur: charioteer
- U
- uedh nm eye
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z Letter Z doesn’t occur in Erechorebese
chreiv nm
English to Erechórebese
- L
live vb nwach, nwag
See Also
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