Sea of Asbardy

The Sea of Asbardy is a great inlet in southwestern Pytharnia that leads into the Pallathantic Sea, specifically the Giants Sea and the Golden Sea. The waters of the Sea of Asbardy are generally temperate and circulate from the Pallathantic Sea. The sea rests between the peninsulas of Esphagonia and Rhafindwor and is well-traversed for waterborne access between these regions and for access to the capital city of Bryndyd.
The sea is important for fishing, commerce, transportation. Its relatively calm waters are a haven for numerous aquatic creatures. In ancient times, it was home to Merfolk, Tritons, and Gishak, although most were pushed out by the Kemerite Giants and later human tribes. Several islands rest in the sea. Fish include seabass, flounder, mackerel, anchovy, sole, and sardine.
The Archduchy of Asbardy is the only state which directly borders it and consequently has great control over it. However, international treaties guarantee other nations the peaceful use of the sea for commerce with Asbardy.
See Also
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