List of Higher Institutes of Learning

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Name Year Established Location Remark
Aeronautics College of Dragonclad 2480 Dragonclad, Vice-Royalty of Jagohr
Alchemagical College of the Magdalanate 2419 Giffadain, Magdalanate, Magdala
Ancient Philosophical College of Divinities 872 Beh-Shelub, Shelekhumbia
Ancient Philosophical College of Elystrio 2388 Elystrio, Deliops, Ithatia
Ancient Philosophical College of Gantaleth 783 Gantaleth, Hœrnect
Ancient Philosophical College of Mirrhaimo 374 Mirrhaimo, Balijahu
Ancient Philosophical College of Zamaclë 1067 Zamaclë, Zamaclë
Arathracian College of Airdemain 2478 Airdemain, Corundy
Arathracian College of Bembasule 2396 Bembasule, Erechóreb
Arathracian College of Enoultseyrand 2516 Enoultseyrand, Talise County, Glaye
Arathracian College of Rhafyx 2391 Rhafyx, Erechóreb
Archguild College of Magitechnics at Trevirs 2647 Trevirs, Magdalanate, Magdala
Archguild School of Bryndyd 2133 Bryndyd, Heart-of-Asbardy, Asbardy
Archguild School of Caffgara 2052 Caffgara, Thlithneen, Magdala
Archguild School of Creluna 1947 Creluna, Tasso
Archguild School of Elmundel 2572 Elmundel, Elmundel
Archguild School of Libshem 2139 Libshem, Khesheph, Gorcorumbese Empire of the Ephysgæes
Archguild School of Mediclose 2417 Mediclose, Medibgö
Archguild School of Rhafyx 2216 Rhafyx, Erechóreb
Archducal School of Tintamburel 2623 Tintamburel, Heart-of-Asbardy, Asbardy
Archguild School of Trevirs 2063 Trevirs, Magdalanate, Magdala
Archguild School of Yophénthë 2387 Yophénthë, Holy See
Archmage’s College 1871 Trevirs, Magdalanate, Magdala
Aurician Metropolitans Merchant College 2578 Aurice, City
Aurician Skyforce College 2614 Aurice, City
Metallurgical Guild School of Dagdoria 2257 Dagdoria, Dagdoria
Navigators School 2507 Selexis, Xsys
Free Archguild School of Genskas 2632 Genskas, Gonsk
Heliotheological School of Amyrn 2497 Amyrn, Ambrasia
High College of Arcane Science 2159 Masmowch, Medibgö
Goscundy College 2017 Nestrabonia, Goscundy
Grand Conservatory of Johaulia 2318 Johaulia, Tasso
Grast College 2449 Ddwbha, Medibgóëse Gonfaloy Self-sponsoring society of wizards
King Garframasse College 2291 renamed after King Garframasse I in 2582
Llambaddoin’s College 2483 St. Jerobs, Principality of Gonfaloy
Magdalanate School of Royal Trevirs 2615 Royal Trevirs, Magdalanate, Magdala
Mages’ College 1844 Aglidice, Ebinóë (Gorcorumbese Empire of the Ephysgæes)
Magitechnic Institute of Aurice 2609 Aurice, Goscundy
Merchants College 2093 Talil, Narshad
Metallurgical School of Tauhad 248 Tauhad, Ithrads
Palæologian College of Aglidice 1647 Aglidice, Ebinóë
Philosophical College of the Yoise 2110 Trevirs, Magdala
Royal School of Mäddglows 2087 Mäddglows, Medibgö
Saint Echlaig's Military College 2398 Bantaffer, Flisbardy, Asbardy
Saint Erreagea’s Arathracian College 2402 Yophénthë, Holy See
Sardic Polytechnic Institute 2578 Sardeichs, Sardeichs
Sephrimic Institute of Advanced Alchemy 2340 Gnousikai, Maturn, Ithatia
Sultan’s College 2585 Aadhnuub, Zarajove
Titancraft College of Borenlas 2632 Borenlas, Agogia
Titancraft Guild School of Tauhad 2688 Tauhad, Ithrads
Trevirite Botanical Gardens 2019 Trevirs, Magdalanate, Magdala

See Also