Gulf of Grimbear

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The Gulf of Grimbear lies between the Grawlf Peninsula and the Bukalaan Peninsula.

The Gulf of Grimbear is a body of cold water that separates the Bukalaan Peninsula and the Grawlf Peninsula in northwestern Barathorn. It is rifted with hundreds of fjords and filled with numerous islands, including Durseyk Island, Gorthseyk Island, Ihumborn Island, Sambakh Island, and Tirjandsunia Island. The Bay of Juhaalsk rests along the northern coast of the Gulf of Grimbear. The gulf is so named after the Grawlf bears that inhabit the northern lands and sometimes swim its waters. The Gulf of Grimbear is known for the sea port of Obipine that rests on its easternmost shore and is sometimes considered the final destination in the Ruby Highway through middle Barathorn. The Gulf of Grimbear is wilder than other bays and harbor farther south in Barathorn.

See Also