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Thracian inventor, Deif Skaivund created the aerobarge, a practical development of the vaporcraft in 2517. The vessel was laughed at originally due to its boat-like shape and need to fly low. It became very practical for transporting heavy cargo up and down the slopes of western Thrace and its use spread throughout the Jaggudorns and Pytharnia. The vessel came to play an important role in the shipment of personnel and materiel for the New Kalikán Empire. Its ability to carry much more cargo than traditional skybarges ensured its future.

The aerobarge is based upon the vaporcraft, employing the use of skycraft lift wings capable rudder and tail, but also adding a Murshadak's Chamber for added lift. The vessel, like the vaporcraft, lacks a lower set of skysails and thus can land and take off as necessary in small space. The aerobarge was not designed to fly more than one hundred meters above the ground and is ideal for negotiating the difficult terrain and spring snows of the Jaggudorns.

With the invention of the meteorisis chamber, the aerobarge has been subsequently improved and is widely used in mountainous regions and in Aurice for public transportation where its aerial transit is ideal for over-passing slopes, terrain, and rivens.

See Also