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Arcanophysics is the study of magical properties and the behavior of magic in magical systems, including the world soul. The study of the union of the conscious and subconscious mind is an essential component of arcanophysics.

Chronology of the Development of Arcanophysics

ca 1240 AS: Prankshabh Golguptra: Vimalian magic practitioner, father of arcanophysics, born Agdaire, died Johaulia
ca 1230 AS: Azhithaya Bakthi: female Vimalian Poet Philosopher, born Estyo Rhe, died Addinoro
ca 1210 AS: Shandam Manshuyanda: Vimalian magic practitioner, lecturer, born Vimaluna, died Johaulia
ca 210 AI: Thiolos Hyrpados: Ithatian magic practitioner, arcanophilosopher, Bardi, Zander Island
ca 240 AI: Sambardos of Hephalion: Ebinóëse magic practitioner, arcanophysicist, Hephalion Island
ca 390 AI: Arjidh Gancha: Vimalian archivist and researcher at the Library of Mirrhaimo, Mirrhaimo
ca 390 AI: Grubello "Grubellos": Midretassene arcanophysicist, Azabria
ca 420 AI: Thséoglam Gomas: Medibgösk Commoner, magic practitioner, arcanophysicist, Mokiwliü
ca 2320 AI: Chambillian: Gorcorumbese magic practitioner, arcanophysicist, Lankhtira Lum
ca 2520 AI: Tuk the Waterborne: Gorcorumbese magic practitioner, arcanophysicist, Iddiahu

See Also