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[[Category:Aristocratic Ranks]]

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Asbardian Nobility comprises several ranks and titles that developed over the past two thousand years in southwestern Pytharnia. Greater Ranks or High nobles are normally required to attend to their duties as members of the Asbardian Diet. They may also be required to give military service to the Archduke. Lesser Ranks including country nobles are typically not required to give military duty, with some exceptions, such as the "seigneur" (riaghuivain). Those not required to give military duty may have a lesser restriction of derogation.

Sovereign and High Church
Archduke of Asbardy, Sovereign and Ruler of Archduchy of Asbardy
Archpatriarch of Bryndyd
Arathracian Patriarch
High King, historic from Moigthe period
Greater Ranks
Lesser Ranks
Balsieadh: cf. vidame, high steward and vassal of an archpatriarch or patriarch; also the balsieadh of the Archducal Household (City of Dragons).
Seneschal: high steward and vassal of the ruler of Asbardy or a greater noble, usually a duke or count, responsible to lord of castle. The Seneschal of Gaherlus was one of the seneschalties that were vassal to the ruler of Asbardy.
Grand Ligvehur: appointed by the ruler of Asbardy, chiefest of the other Ligvehur.
Ligvehur: appointed by the ruler of Asbardy, he leads processions, has minor sacrosanctity. There are often as many as sixteen of these.
Riaghuivain "Seigneur": an accomplished knight who has sufficient land to provide for his horse, armor, household, squire, and lesser warriors. Hereditary.
Erichruivain: a hereditary overseer of sacred spaces and monuments with priestly functions
Guivilain: a very minor country noble, associated with the church. He makes announcements in behalf of the local patriarch to other nobles and officers in the area of jurisdiction. He also reads decrees and delivers notices.

List of Houses (Incomplete)

House Jaffbarrow "Iaffaigechegra", Seneschal of Gaherlus, Grand Ligvehur of Asbardy; Gaherlus Vineyard and Winery
House Kirgialuiche, Asbardian Seigneur, Cock Gialorgine Vineyard and Winery

See Also