Battle of Kadraskan

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Battle of Kadraskan, 2634 Mistmoon 23. This decisive battle saved the Noble Republic of Aurice from the re-establishment of the Grand-Duchy and marked the end of the military and political struggle between the Noble Senate of Aurice which had abolished the monarchy (Grand Duchy) in 2627 and established an aristocratic republic. In this battle, Rhoglos Bijäl, the heir to Grand Duke Rhungast Bijäl and pretender to the now defunct throne of the Grand Duchy of Aurice and Steborn Hallagunst, Medibgóëse wizardmaster to House Bijäl, were slain. The battle was fought about fifteen miles from the actual town of Kadraskan. The battle site was just north of the far western spur of the Great Mage Dearth. The presence of the throe waste served as a palpable barrier to the combatants. The anniversary of the battle is celebrated as Victory Day in Aurice and throughout her empire.




See Also