Braffgrum Ancuvetácodh

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The Braffgrum Ancuvetácodh is probably the finest extant example of an ancient cylindrical urn used for holding an Arathracian Cuvétar. The Heliotheological Museum of Amyrn keeps the specimen on display. While the original cuvétar has been lost to time, the Siulian ancuvetácodh gives us a valuable glimpse into the art and mind of ancient Yophentheans of the fifth century. The work is expertly carved from a single piece of Danonan Onyx and measures about one gnödva high. The four sided vessel is covered in middle to low relief and depicts the goddess Dáwan, the regent Saint Erreagea, and members of their courts in fine detail. The base consists of a short podium with molding following the square base, set upon four legs in the likeness of the hooves of a heliotian. The lid which amazingly still survives rested on a fine cornice and has a square base rising to a rounded finial. The artwork is in the manner of the stately Ithatian style, dated to the fifth century, and is in a remarkable state of preservation.

Scholars believe the ancuvetácodh was looted from Erechóreb in the tenth century, perhaps at the Third Sack of Yophénthë and taken by skymen to Pytharnia where it may have been stashed or exchanged over the centuries. It was found in the cache of the chaos rulers of Amyrn at the conclusion of the Isbajath of Sulmayand the Valiant at the end of the twenty fourth century. It was in the collection of one Braffgrum of Amyrn before he donated it to the Heliotheological Museum of Amryn.

See Also